How To Deal With A Growth Spurt

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How To Deal With A Growth Spurt
How To Deal With A Growth Spurt
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If you have read our article on growth spurt, then you know how difficult it can be coping with the same. Today, I will talking about how to deal with a growth spurt.

This is true especially in case when the kids are so small and we have absolutely no idea how much discomfort they have. A growth spurt can be too much to handle for a mother given that she is already so exhausted from lack of sleep. Not only that, when a baby constantly demands his mother’s warmth and to be held in arms all the time, it does get a little intimidating.

So given the symptoms of growth spurt, if your baby wants to nurse round the clock, this is sure to add to your headache. Especially when you have to nurse him sitting on a chair or a bed. So the best possible thing you can do to cope with this situation when he wants to be fed all the time is let him have it.

When babies feed 24-7 they are not really drinking milk all the time. Most of the time they are comfort feeding where they will only suck on the nipple for the much needed security during a growth spurt. Also, there’s nothing better than a mommy’s arms when you have to deal with a growth spurt and your baby most needs it.

So let him feed for as long as he wants to. What you, as a mother, can do is find out breast feeding positions that best work for you (check out our article on different breastfeeding positions). I personally liked lying down side ways and breast feeding my daughter. This really helped because most of the times she would fall asleep also.

ALSO READ – symptom of a growth spurt

As for the crankiness, another symptom of a growth spurt, try changing the place or environment of the baby. A lot of times babies get cranky when they need a change of room or change of hands. If you have someone else hold your baby that also does wonders if you have been holding him for long.

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But the best thing that worked out for me was I would take my daughter for a walk in the park. Even though she was too young to notice things, she did get a feel of the fresh air and that really helped, even though only temporarily.

Now you’re in for a little bit of trouble if your baby refuses to sleep. And no you cannot give him anything that will induce sleep. I understand that you need your sleep as well.

In a situation like this, get your partner to help you get through with this. When my daughter would not sleep enough through the night during her growth spurts, my husband and I would take turns during the night to be with her and play with or feed her. Luckily this lasted only 2-3 days and then she slept the whole night the rest of the time.

So what I’m trying to say is it is a part of having a baby. Do not forget that when you have to deal with a growth spurt, you just have to hang in there and not loose patience . No matter how much sleep deprived you are, just don’t hesitate to ask for help from family. A little help goes a long way in taking care of a little baby.

ALSO READ – Is Gripe Water Safe For My Baby?

Whatever you do, just don’t stop breastfeeding and start formula is what I’m saying. Trust me it is just a phase and will soon pass.

How about you? Have you been past this stage? What was your coping mechanism during your baby’s growth spurt? Comment below and let us know.

All About Baby Growth

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