All About Health And Development of 9 Months Old Baby

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All About Health And Development of 9 Months Old Baby
All About Health And Development of 9 Months Old Baby
Photo Credit: pexels

Simranjit Kaur

Mother of one, Master of Education with specialization in child-psychology. After becoming mother, I met with real me. I am now learning new concepts of parenting every fresh day and sharing my experiences with other mothers. I believe, one of the most important things that you, as a parent, should work on is - your child's psychology. Understanding the child-psychology will help you build stronger bonds and know them better.

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So far we have learned that the first year of the baby’s life plays an important role in the development of the brain. A trillion connections are formed that are actually the foundation for lifelong learning. In the ninth month, you will see your baby chewing his food. You will notice him doing his level best while exploring the things around him. Sometimes, you will find your baby more anxious and that too without any reason. Let us learn more about health and development of 9 months old baby.

1Physical Development

In the ninth month, you will notice a lot of physical and psychological changes in your baby. This month, you will notice a number of changes in the baby. You will find your baby more active, running around the house corners or trying to cling to the edges of his bed.

You will be able to see him trying to stand up, using your hands and you will hear him pronouncing some new words. At the opening of the door, if he knows the person on the door, he will show signs that he wants to be lifted up.

In the ninth month, you can expect your baby to sit in the baby chair, lie down alone and get up without difficulty. Sometimes, he will manage standing up by grabbing something, for example with the help of a hanging curtain or grate of the bed.

Some children, after standing for a little duration, start crying. They have learned to get up, but they do not know how to sit alone. If they are helped to settle down, they are satisfied, and then they start the game again.

According to WHO, at the age of 9 months, an average weight of the boy weighs between 7.2 – 10.9 kg, while a girl will record slightly less, between 6.6 – 10.4 kg.

According to WHO, a boy of 9 months will measure around 67.7 – 76.2 cm, while the height of girls the same age will be between 65.6 – 74.7 cm.

ALSO READ – All About Health And Development of 8 Months Old Baby


In the ninth month, your baby’s sleep will be more organized. In this age, a baby normally sleeps for 10-12 hours without interruption. Unlike previous months, now your baby is not the first one to wake up in the family. You will also notice that now you can put your baby to sleep with nominal efforts.

Do keep in mind that a ninth month’s baby moves a lot in bed, so you may have to check him, in case he is tangled in the beds and sheets.

In my case, I used to put only one sheet underneath my baby and cover her with a single blanket. For her extra comfort, before putting her to sleep, I used to dress her in pajamas.

Unlike earlier months, you will notice that your baby is more cheerful and active after awakening from sleep. During the day, sleep periods become shorter. Some children sleep three times during the day, others only once, but longer.


In the ninth month, your baby’s memory will be fully functional. He will not only be able to remember where the toys are but also can imitate an action that he saw last week. This means that he has the ability to remember things that have happened some time ago (but not long ago).

Also, remember he will be able to remember things that happened a long ago only after the second or third year of life.

In the ninth month, a baby tries to speak all those words that he has learned throughout his early months. But, to make his experience more comfortable you can help with those words. In addition, you should always encourage him to try news words.

Do not try to correct the wrong words. Instead, help him with the right pronunciation and let your baby figure the difference.

When my daughter was nine months, I used to always explain to her whatever I was doing. For example, I used to tell her, “let’s cook lunch or it’s time for dinner. Let us wash the bowl.”Now that she is of five, and she is already helping me with small household activities like folding clothes, making bed-sheets, and sorting her stuff.

4Food Diversification

The milk remains the basic food on the daily menu. In the morning, you should give milk without additives. However, in the evening milk, you can try some additives like cereals, fruits or vegetables with it.

In my case, I used to serve my daughter with mashed potatoes, carrots, apple, banana, cheese, yogurt, porridge, soup, rice, and eggs for extra protein.

I would also like to mention that I kept my daughter away from food like strawberries, grapes, nuts, and raisins. These foods are not only the allergens but can be a reason behind any unpleasant choking incident.

ALSO READ – Baby Food Diversification – Diversifying Your Baby’s Diet

5Tips for Parents

  1. Do keep a close eye on your baby’s weight. Your pediatrician is the best person to tell, if your baby is overweight and if he needs to lose some weight.
  2. Under your observation, give your baby enough space to move, stand up, and explore.
  3. From now on you have to tell your kids that “no” means he is supposed to stop.
  4. In the ninth month, you should help your baby with his initial steps; hold his hands and help him with his first steps.
  5. It is good to avoid too long journeys during this period because the change in the environment can cause discomforts.
  6. As your baby is more mobile now, keep all drugs or poisonous substances away from his reach.
  7. Also, do not forget about the required vaccination.

What interesting or unusual things did you notice in your baby, when he was 9 months old? We would love to hear!

All About Baby Growth

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Mother of one, Master of Education with specialization in child-psychology. After becoming mother, I met with real me. I am now learning new concepts of parenting every fresh day and sharing my experiences with other mothers. I believe, one of the most important things that you, as a parent, should work on is - your child's psychology. Understanding the child-psychology will help you build stronger bonds and know them better.