All About Health And Development of 2 Month’s Baby
All About Health And Development of 2 Month’s Baby
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Simranjit Kaur

Mother of one, Master of Education with specialization in child-psychology. After becoming mother, I met with real me. I am now learning new concepts of parenting every fresh day and sharing my experiences with other mothers. I believe, one of the most important things that you, as a parent, should work on is - your child's psychology. Understanding the child-psychology will help you build stronger bonds and know them better.

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Congratulation! Your baby is two months now. So far you have had learned about many parenting skills. Let us talk about health and development of 2 month’s baby.

At the age of two months; now you can expect your baby to start with his first corner of personality. You can expect him as a child who is increasingly frisky and curious about everything that happens around him.

After the first month, now you baby can manage to lift his head a little high for a shorter period of time. And, you can expect his smile in response to certain reactions or facial gesture made by you. During this month, you can expect all kind of changes in the patterns of eating, sleeping, crying, and playing.

Each child is unique and has its own pace of development. Before you start referring any kind of growth chart, you must understand that it is important to take particularities and unique way of growth and development of your baby, in the account.

It may sound unusual, but it is true. Some babies develop physical faster than others, but this does not mean that your baby has some growth problems or developmental delays. In case you have any doubts, pediatricians are the best person to decide if the pace of growth is normal or not, depending on many factors like weight, height, health, and etc.

1Physical Changes

Unlike the first month, now your baby have more control over the body and you will notice remarkable physical growth.

Progress is always made from the head to the muscles of the extremities. By the beginning of the second month, you can expect your baby to sit almost always with closed fists. If you slip a finger in his hand, he is going to squeeze it with even more fist.

In his second month, you baby will be able to raise his head when lying on the tummy, even if for only a few seconds. You will find that the suckling reflex is increasingly developed, not only will put increasingly more often a finger in the mouth but starts to suck his fists.

At the age of two months, a boy with an average weight will weigh around 4.4 – 7.0 kg, while a girl will register slightly less, around 4.0 – 6.5 kg.

In the terms of height; a boy of two months will measure about 54.7 – 62.2 c.m, while the height of girls the same age will reach around 53.2 – 60.9 cm.

ALSO READ – All About Health And Development of 0-1 Month’s Baby


Until the expiry of two months, the child can track moving objects with his eyes and begins to recognize increasingly more colors, including green.

At this age, the child starts reacting at loud noises and tries to give an instant answer to everything that happens around him in his own way. Various research proved that baby reacts fastest at the voice of the mother.

At this age, the child has no hand-eye coordination abilities. Though he cannot manipulate toys in his hands, but he will try his level best to catch a toy that hangs in front of him.


Despite all bodily changes and frequent, but controlled movements, your baby will still sleep around 15-16 hours a day. You can expect him waking up often during the night.

Some parents believe that it is better to schedule and establish a sleeping routine for the baby. To me, if you kid wants to sleep, you should not keep him wake.

However, if your kid is showing no objection to this practice, then this could be a good way of fixing his sleep schedule. Sleep plays an important role in health and growth, thus, you need to make sure that your baby is having quality sleep.

Sleeping on the back is recommended a position in order to lower the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

ALSO READ – Baby Sleeping Strategies – How To Make Your Baby Sleep Faster

4Tips for Parents

After the first month, you should always try to alternate the position of the baby during the day. This is important because this way your baby will begin to learn about all his muscles.

You can move his position from back to belly so that he can practice his moves (lifting his head a little high)

Direct contact, skin to skin, is recommended at this age and you can take a massage or you can hold in your arms so you feel.

After the first month or 45 days, it is time for taking your baby out. So, you need a stroller, pram, or a convertible baby car seat. You can buy these from any online or phyiscal store. Make sure the time spent in such devices should be limited to the time required and no more. And, you are choosing these types of equipment after proper analysis.

ALSO READ – Review – Have You Purchased the Safest Baby Car Seat?

We believe that every child is unique. Even if your child goes through stages of development faster or slower, he has to follow the path of development.

All About Baby Growth

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Mother of one, Master of Education with specialization in child-psychology. After becoming mother, I met with real me. I am now learning new concepts of parenting every fresh day and sharing my experiences with other mothers. I believe, one of the most important things that you, as a parent, should work on is - your child's psychology. Understanding the child-psychology will help you build stronger bonds and know them better.