All About Health And Development of 11 months Old Baby

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All About Health And Development of 11 month Old Baby
All About Health And Development of 11 month Old Baby
Photo Credit: Bigstockphoto

Simranjit Kaur

Mother of one, Master of Education with specialization in child-psychology. After becoming mother, I met with real me. I am now learning new concepts of parenting every fresh day and sharing my experiences with other mothers. I believe, one of the most important things that you, as a parent, should work on is - your child's psychology. Understanding the child-psychology will help you build stronger bonds and know them better.

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In the 11th month, you will see your baby at almost half of his adulthood height. In this month, there are going to be constant changes in their body structure, especially bones. To make sure that they are growing properly, the must be given a healthy and nutritional diet. You will see a lot of changes in your baby’s body and there can be many questions in your mind. However, do keep in mind that most of these are not permanent and going to change after few years. Let us learn more about health and development of 11 months old baby.

1Physical Development

In 11 months old baby, you will see a lot of changes, when it comes to physical development. There are kids who will manage to stand alone by this month, and there are many who will be able to earlier than 11th month.

However, you must not let him stand for a longer duration because this can harm his back. Also, you need to be extra careful about his every move.

Do keep a close eye on him and do not miss to cuddle him when he falls. His buttocks are still weak to support the weight of the body for a long time.

If your baby has not done so before, it is possible that at the end of the 11th month, he will be able to take his first step alone, without your help. He is not going to walk, but a few steps. Your baby is not yet that fit to walk on his own.

In many cases, children manage to walk independently only around the age of 16-17 months. But, you can encourage him until then. To do so, stand in front of him at a distance of 1-1.5 meters and spread your arms towards him, encouraging him to come to you.

This is the time when your baby is going to shape his personality. You will notice his different reaction in different situations. You can expect him to show you an extreme level of energy at your one gesture and remains lethargic at the other.

By this month, your baby will be able to understand whether you are praising him or scolding him. For him, every outsider is a threat and he will treat them with suspicion.

He feels the need for society. You will see that your baby now wants to play in the room where other family members are around him. He will be interested in manipulating objects, throwing toys, putting them in various containers, etc.

At this month, separation from you is going to hurt your baby a lot. Instead of always staying around the baby, try to maintain a safe distance from your baby. Your baby needs an encouragement. You need to deal this separation very carefully and gradually. You need to allow some time to your baby so that he can learn to deal with your absence and realize that it is safe even when you are not there. It starts by doing short and long breaks.

According to WHO, at the age of 11 months, an average weight of the boy weighs between 7.4 – 11.5 kg, while a girl will record slightly less, between 7.0 – 11.0 kg.

According to WHO, a boy of 11 months will measure around 70.2 – 78.9 cm, while the height of girls the same age will be between 68.0 – 77.5 cm.

By 11th month, your baby will start using his hand for many things like eating and picking toys. I have seen parents who get really upset if their baby use left hand and not right.

However, my suggestion is not to forbid the use of left hand. The preferential use of a hand is a result of brain development and is a biological feature that should not be interpreted as a defect.

ALSO READ – All About Health And Development of 10 Months Old Baby


You can see a lot of variations in the need for sleep. A few 11 months old baby are very lively and they sleeping a lot. On the other hand, there are others, very quiet, and less sleepy.

On an average, an 11 months old baby sleeps 10-12 hours at night and about 2 hours a day. Some infants and young children refuse to sleep in the afternoon.


As I said, your baby will now look for people to play with him. Many babies, by this age, are already speaking words like “mama, papa.” However, there are few who will be able to say a few more words than these usual words.

By this age, an 11 months old baby will be able to imitate simple words and certain inflections of speech. You can expect him to follow your simple instructions, such as “give me the bottle” or “pick up the toy from the bottom.”

For better results, you need to constantly encourage your child to talk and respond to what you are telling him.

No wonder, at this age, you will be able to a see a rapid development in the 11 months old baby’s language development. Although, your baby is not going to have a very developed vocabulary, and he won’t be able to speak concise sentences, yet, he will be saying all sorts of hard-to-understand sounds and words.

Stimulate him to talk as much as possible, and help him pronounce words appropriately. Do not talk in a childish language with him.

4Food Diversification

As an 11 months old baby is already in the process of food diversification, so you need to work a little more on convincing him to sit down and eat.

If he hadn’t finished his breakfast, you need to make sure that he has to finish his dinner. It is not about individual meals, but the total amount of food he had.

Instead of giving him useless things to eat regardless of his taste, give him healthy and nutritional food. At this age, he really needs a balanced diet. If your baby hates milk, you can always feed him with the dairy substitutes like cheese, yogurt, etc.

At this age, babies like to have food that they can eat themselves like boiled and mashed carrots, potatoes, lentils, vegetable purees, milk with cereals.

ALSO READ – Baby Food Diversification – Diversifying Your Baby’s Diet

5Tips for Parents

  1. For an 11 months old baby, here are some suggestions that parents can work on.
  2. At this age, to improve your baby’s mental abilities, you can play games that revolve around sorting and grouping items.
  3. For an improvement in his communication, you can sing, talk, and say poems.
  4. As I said, this is the time when your baby is going to experience the separation at a higher level. So, instead of spending your much time in cleaning and other things, play with your kid. Your baby is going to enjoy spending time with you.
  5. In this month, you are going to witness countless happy moments of your baby’s development. Do not forget to keep them all in a diary!
  6. At this age, do not stop your kid from trying new things. Limit the use of “no”. Try a more peaceful. Encourage him to learn new things like his name, age. I used to make my daughter practice a few questions like, “What is your name?” And “How old are you?”
  7. Also, do not forget about the required vaccination.

What interesting or unusual things did you notice in your baby, when he was 11 months old baby? We would love to hear!

All About Baby Growth

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Mother of one, Master of Education with specialization in child-psychology. After becoming mother, I met with real me. I am now learning new concepts of parenting every fresh day and sharing my experiences with other mothers. I believe, one of the most important things that you, as a parent, should work on is - your child's psychology. Understanding the child-psychology will help you build stronger bonds and know them better.