All About Health And Development of 3 Months Old Baby

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All About Health And Development of 3 Month's Baby
All About Health And Development of 3 Month's Baby
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Simranjit Kaur

Mother of one, Master of Education with specialization in child-psychology. After becoming mother, I met with real me. I am now learning new concepts of parenting every fresh day and sharing my experiences with other mothers. I believe, one of the most important things that you, as a parent, should work on is - your child's psychology. Understanding the child-psychology will help you build stronger bonds and know them better.

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At 3rd month you will notice remarkable changes in the health and development of your baby. You will see an eagerness in his action; an enthusiasm of becoming independent in everything he does. Let us talk about health and development of 3 month’s baby.

At this age, your 3 months’ baby wants to be the part of everything that is happening around him. After passing the second month, you will notice various development related to your babies development, nutrition, and weight and height.

1Physical Development

At this age, your 3 months’ baby wants to explore the new environment and the world around him. As parents, you are asked to be prepared for some surprises, skills and moments of joy.

Physically, the length and average weight at age 3 months differs by gender and each baby separately. On an average, girls should measure about 55.8 – 63.8 CM high and boys around 57.6 – 65.3 CM. These are considered normal, but we must keep in mind that every child develops at your own pace.

In terms of weight, a boy of three months should weigh around 5.1 – 7.9 K.G, and a girl, 4.6 – 7.4.

Do keep in mind that any child’s height and weight are influenced by many factors such as type of food, genetic and medical conditions (if any) and others. Sleep routine and physical activity levels are other factors that influence the growth of this age.

The child begins to gain strength in hands and legs. It is the age at where he can raise his head and keep it there for long.

ALSO READ – All About Health And Development of 0-1 Month’s Baby


From this stage of childhood, you will find that baby cries and sleeps less than his previous months. Those hours are replaced with other activities where he tries to become increasingly more mobile because of his desire to explore and learn more about everything that happens around him.

3 months baby’s nervous system continues to grow every day, and stomach increases day by day. So, now you will notice that your baby starts to eat more and eventually it will significantly increase the chances to finally get more rest at night.

If your baby wakes up in the night and starts crying, wait for a few minutes before you feed him with anything! Most often, babies stop crying and fall asleep after a few minutes. But if the crying does not stop after a few minutes, try to do all the moves quietly, and if possible, without making switching on the light in the room. The idea is making your baby realize that night is to sleep.


During this period language and speech begin to take shape. Therefore, it is advisable that parents must stimulate them through games and specific activities. In addition to they should involve their baby in a constant communication.

You can expect some intellectual or thinking and force applying skills from a baby of this age. He can now raise his head when lying on the tummy with a little effort, even shoulders, especially when it is held on tummy on your chest.

You will get to see many hand and foot movements; controlled and organized. You will see your baby opening and closing his fists, stretching and grab things or toys with his hands. This actually tells that he is now developing the coordination of hand and eye, and he will hit with more power.

He turns his gaze and head after hearing familiar sound. He will develop his own language and take out new sounds, especially vowels “a” and “o” as answers to what he sees, hears or feels. You can expect him to find his own ways of soothing himself like sucking his own finger or fist.

I remember, how my daughter used to discontinue sucking her own hand at my little interruption; an immediate pause and she used to imitate my facial expressions.

At this age, you can notice remarkable progress in your baby’s way of conversation; when tired or annoyed, turning his head left and right and avoid direct eye contact. He will express his every feeling, be it the feelings of joy, sadness, nervousness or anxiety through body movements and gestures. When bored with an activity or a game, he will starts to yawn or he will make all sorts of sad faces to give you to understand how he feels.

ALSO READ – All About Health And Development of 2 Month’s Baby

4Tips for Parents

Do not be alarmed if your baby aged three months does not make everything mentioned in the above milestones. Each baby is different in the terms of growth and development.
However, if your baby is not doing any of the things listed below, by the age of three months, ask your child’s doctor:

  • Not responding to noise
  • Does not follow people or objects with eyes
  • Do not laugh or smile

You will have many friends/acquaintances telling you about giving solid food to your baby at this age because this will make him sleep better. However, you are not supposed to start anything without confirming the same from your pediatrician.

After checking the growth chart of your baby, he can better tell you about the type of food that can be offered to your baby. Ideally, you should wait at least 3 months before the starting with something else other than milk in the diet.

In general, babies get milk almost all nutrients they need to develop normally. The luckiest are breastfeed babies who receive not only all the vitamins and minerals, and other nutrients unique, highly beneficial to health. However, vitamin D is not contained in any type of milk in sufficient quantities.

Insufficient intake of vitamin D is associated with the occurrence of rickets, a disease that affects the normal development. Therefore, doctors often recommend administration of the vitamins as supplements, especially in the first year of life.

All About Baby Growth

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Mother of one, Master of Education with specialization in child-psychology. After becoming mother, I met with real me. I am now learning new concepts of parenting every fresh day and sharing my experiences with other mothers. I believe, one of the most important things that you, as a parent, should work on is - your child's psychology. Understanding the child-psychology will help you build stronger bonds and know them better.