All About Health And Development of 4 Months Old Baby

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All About Health And Development of 4 Month's Baby
All About Health And Development of 4 Month's Baby
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Simranjit Kaur

Mother of one, Master of Education with specialization in child-psychology. After becoming mother, I met with real me. I am now learning new concepts of parenting every fresh day and sharing my experiences with other mothers. I believe, one of the most important things that you, as a parent, should work on is - your child's psychology. Understanding the child-psychology will help you build stronger bonds and know them better.

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Since the age of four months, your baby is a continuous exploration of the environment and you will see him developing his own way-outs to discover what’s happening around him.

With every development in the nervous system and musculoskeletal, you will notice that your child is becoming increasingly active. By this month, feeding your kid is going to be a challenge for you because of his fidgeting.

Physical Development

By this month you can expect a noticeable growth in your baby on the regular basis; both physically and psychologically. The child reaches a level of development that allows nerve and muscle to roll.

By the end of 4th month, you can expect your baby to roll backward, i.e., from back to tummy. You would see him turning his head from right to left.

I remember, how my daughter used to raise her head, and feet, while lying on her tummy. She used to lift her one leg, catch up with her hands, and then, put in the mouth to mumble.

This is a month, where you can see your baby constantly grasping his little hands and feet and putting them into the mouth.

During 4th month, your baby will actively and randomly move his legs in front and back position or in a circular motion, like riding. You will notice a lot of strength in his hands and fingers.

If you give him a finger, you can expect him to raise his butt in lying position. The fact is that the baby is very active in this stage of childhood.

But, the child still cannot grasp any objects with his all fingers. For him, judging appropriate distance with eyes is still an issue, but you can expect him aiming his eyes at almost everything that moves around him.

At the age of 4 months, an average weight of boy weighs between 5.6 – 8.6 kg, while a girl will record slightly less, between 5.1 and 8.1 kg.

In terms of height, a boy of four months will measure around 60.0 – 67.8 cm, while the height of girls the same age will be between 58.0 cm – 66.2 cm.

ALSO READ – All About Health And Development of 2 Month’s Baby


By the 4th month, in terms of sleep, the child begins to stabilize. Now, as you notice a decrease in the night feedings, because of baby’s other activities, you can expect him having a good sleep during the night.

You will see a change in your baby’s sleeping schedule. Generally, at 4th month, babies sleep about 8-12 hours per night. But, still, you cannot rule out the possibility of waking up in the night.


The baby becomes alerted to noises. He will begin to distinguish and giving preference to some of the songs, music, and voices like mother’s voice.

At 4 months of life, babies begin to discover and observe how others react to their actions.

Cooing becomes increasingly expressive and varied. At 4th month, you can expect him to play with sounds and smiles.

On hearing any sort of noise or voice, he turns to the source and becomes quiet and thoughtful. He tries to get what he wants by crying. Voice modulation is now well differentiated.

ALSO READ – All About Health And Development of 3 Month’s Baby

3Tips for Parents

During this period of exploration, give your baby as many as things you can offer. Let him explore things; how they feel, look, or taste. But, do not offer him cheap toys, which often contain inappropriate chemicals! In addition to this, avoid giving him things that are too small or too fluffy; anything that can result in choking or suffocation.

Spend time with your baby. Tell him some stories, sing a few poems or songs, taking him in arms and let him feel your emotions and hear your voice, as much as you can.

As you can expect a few active movements of your baby, you must ensure things from a safety point of view.

Although most babies are not capable of walking or standing on his own in this age, yet you should start thinking about the shields, door, locking drawers, corners, sharp edges, picking up toxic substances, sanitary, medicines, and other poisonous substances. Make sure that they are at a level where your baby cannot reach.

Although it is believed that one should not start solids food until age 6 months. But, according to the specifics of each baby (weight, height, growth), it is your pediatrician who can recommend you a shift in your baby’s diet.

Do not introduce any change in diet without your pediatrician’s advice.

All About Baby Growth

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Mother of one, Master of Education with specialization in child-psychology. After becoming mother, I met with real me. I am now learning new concepts of parenting every fresh day and sharing my experiences with other mothers. I believe, one of the most important things that you, as a parent, should work on is - your child's psychology. Understanding the child-psychology will help you build stronger bonds and know them better.