7 Tips To Improve The Immunity of Your Baby
7 Tips To Improve The Immunity of Your Baby
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As a parent you want to ensure that your child remains hearty and healthy throughout. But despite all the efforts you make to make sure they are immune, they tend to get sick. But worry not, even the healthiest children fall sick every once in a while. If you are any way worried about getting your baby to have better immunity than he already does, here are the 7 tips to improve the immunity of your kid.

1Breast Milk

It goes without saying that if there’s anything that you should be feeding your baby for boosting immunity, the number one thing always remains breast milk. It is naturally charged with antibodies and white blood cells that help fight off illnesses. Not only that babies who are breastfed for a minimum of a year have lesser cases of ear infections, pneumonia, UTI, allergies, diarrhea etc.

ALSO READ – Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy – Symptoms And How To Treat

2More Fruits And Veggies

I know this is probably a no-brainer and every once in a while you do give your baby a bowlful of fruits and veggies. But instead of once in a while you should make it a regular habit.

There are certain facts that we probably don’t know about how important it is to serve babies fruits and veggies like carrots, green beans, oranges and strawberries. They contain essential phytonutrients that up your baby’s immunity game, blocking viruses.

3Avoid Self-medication

It may seem like an odd advice but over-use of medication does suppress your baby’s immunity. Whenever a baby gets mild symptoms of cold or flu, our first instinct is to give him antibiotics or other such medications on self diagnosis. This way there is a likelihood of giving the wrong medication, plus, the bacteria in the body become antibiotic resistant slowly.

ALSO READ – Cold And Flu in Babies – How To Protect Your Babies From Cold And Flu

4Keep Your Baby Away From Passive Smoke

Believe it or not, second hand smoke or passive smoke is one of the major factors that contributes to low immunity in children. Passive smoking is known to kill and irritate the cells in the body, thereby leading to underdevelopment of a child’s detoxification system. Not only that, smoke increases your baby’s risk of developing SIDS, ear infections, bronchitis etc.

5Maintain Good Hygiene

When it comes to hygiene, there should be no stone left unturned. If you want to make sure your baby develops great immunity, then you must practice it religiously. Hygiene means making sure that your baby’s hands are washed before and after using the bathroom, from playing outside, eating meals, sneezing or coughing etc. A baby is more susceptible to contracting illness when she starts walking and gets in contact with germs around her.

6Follow A Bed Time Routine

It goes without saying that our body heals the maximum when it is at rest. And if your baby gets enough sleep and has a bed time routine developed, you are helping him supercharge his body to fight off infections and diseases.

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7Time To Play And Exercise

Believe it or not but the more you expose your baby to playing outdoors and exercising, the more immunity he develops. Also, our elders are right when they say that you should let them play in dirt because it does, in a way, help make their immune system stronger.

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Apart from all these above mentioned pointers, also remember to get your baby’s vaccinations done on time. The more you delay these vaccinations, the more chances of your baby getting sick and contracting illnesses.

Are there any other tips or advice you’d like to give that helps build immunity in children? Let our readers know.

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