Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat – Used and Reviewed

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Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat
Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat
Photo Credit: Mom's Cuddle

Kirti Bhartari

I am mother of one. Beside nurturing her the best way I can and taking care of my family fronts, I am passionate about cooking and ayurvedas. I also like spending time around intellectuals. And, in future, I would like to start my own NGO with one motive - helping humanity.

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3.6 / 5 Reviewer Rating
{{ reviewsOverall }} / 5 (0 reviews) User Rating
  1. Potty bowls can be easily cleaned.
  2. The seat is made using high-quality materials.
  3. No toxic substance has been used.
  4. The baby potty seat is completely safe.
  5. The handle is very good.
  6. The size of the potty seat is absolutely fine.
  7. Back support is amazing.
  1. There were no batteries with this baby potty seat, and I had to buy 3 AA batteries separately.
  2. No information has been given about the suitable age and weight.
Product Summary
After learning about the right position of the body (35 degrees angle) for pooping properly, I don't think there is any better option available. Apart from this, you will find everything in Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Travel Potty Training Seat that should be there in a good in the Baby Potty seat. There is no doubt that its price is a bit higher, but I do not find any problem in paying a little higher price for the high-quality product.
Ease of Use
Weight of Product
Worth for Money

After a set time, buying a baby potty seat for potty training becomes a must. Be it online or offline, there are countless options available. Choosing the best from other available options is nothing less than a challenge. There are a few very important things that you must keep in mind before buying a baby potty seat. Through this article, I will not only tell you about those important things but will also share my review on Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Travel Potty Drawer with Music & Wheels for Potty Training Potty Seat, which I recently purchased.

Things That You Need To Be Very Careful About Before Buying A Baby Potty Seat
  1. Easy cleaning.
  2. Must be completely safe.
  3. The seat must have a handle.
  4. Size must be appropriate.
  5. The seat must have a back support.

After considering all these things seriously, I purchased Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat.

Things that I liked in Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat


The texture of this baby potty seat is very simple but attractive. The combination of pink and white colors used for the seat makes this seat even better.

Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat
Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat

Considering this as a product to be used by kids, the company adopted kids’ favorite cartoon character Little Scooby Doo as its design. I really liked the way branding is done. Undoubtedly, white color branding on the pink seat looks very beautiful.

Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat
Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat

No hazardous substance has been used to make this potty seat. Considering the safety of children, it is made from eco-friendly, BPA free, virgin PVC plastic that remains hygienic and strong even after prolonged use.

ALSO READUnderstanding Baby’s Poop – Different Types of Baby Poop

The Handle

Always choose a baby potty seat with a handle, so that even after sitting for long hours, your baby never get tired.

Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat
Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat

Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat comes with this wonderful feature. In this seat, Scooby Doo’s ears have been shaped as a handle. I really liked the grip of this handle. This reduces the risk of an accident while using this seat.

Back Support

Although we don’t use a baby potty seat before the appropriate age (when your baby can sit on his own), yet, you must choose a baby potty seat that comes with a back support.

Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat
Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Sea

Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat comes with a back support. This back support allows my kid to sit comfortably on this seat. Additionally, this back support reduces the chances of falling accident.

Size And Shape

As I said before, it is very important for the seat to be in a correct shape. The wrong size seat not only creates difficulties in potty training, but it increases the chances of scratches/injuries. Apart from this, it is also difficult to keep a spacious baby potty seat.

Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat
Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat

Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat is in perfect size and shape. You can take it anywhere you want to and this seat requires a very little space.


An unsafe baby potty seat can be really dangerous. Selection of unsafe potty seats can not only jeopardize your baby but can also create many problems for you.

Before you choose a baby potty training seat, check your baby’s weight.

It should not make much difference to the seat. Watch closely, if you see it collapsing with your baby’s weight.

In terms of safety, Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat is completely safe.

Be it about the handle, back support, and material used to form the seat, everything is completely secure.

Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat
Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat

Despite using it on daily basis, you won’t see any deterioration in the quality of the seat. Additionally, it causes no harm to the baby’s skin, as well.

The Wheels

The Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat comes with four wheels.

Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat
Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat

These wheels turn this potty seat into a toy for children. Like a baby tricycle, they can push it using their feet and roam around.

Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat
Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat

Within a few minutes, you can either install or uninstall these wheels. Once uninstalled, you can easily wash these. These fibers made from plastic can be washed and removed.

ALSO READMy 2 Month baby is gassy and her poop is green in colour with very bad odor. Is this normal?

Music And Battery

Music is another very good feature of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat. It keeps your baby entertained during their training.

Like a baby tricycle, they can push it using their feet and roam around.
Like a baby tricycle, they can push it using their feet and roam around.

There are a few prerecorded tunes and your baby can play them using the yellow button right below the handle.

Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat
Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat

To run this you need three AA-size batteries. But, sadly, you don’t get any batteries with it and you have to buy separately.

Easy To Take Out Potty Bowl And Lid

Once your baby is done with the potty, you can pull the potty bowl out (from the back side of the seat) very easily.

Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat
Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat

Furthermore, you can cover this bowl with the lid that comes with the potty seat.

Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat
Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat

It will not only avoid any incident of spilling but will also not the odor spread in the room.

Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat
Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat

As you can take this bowl out, it becomes very easy to clean it completely.

ALSO READPotty Training – How Do You Teach Your Child To Potty

The Height of The Seat

We know that it is very important to be in the proper position to do potty properly. According to experts, it is very important that your body must form an angle of 35 degrees when pooping. Otherwise, you may have to face troubles later on.

With this thing in mind, the height of the Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat has been kept accurate.

Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat
Review of Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat

Should your child hold the handle and put his feet in front of the seat, then his body will form an angle of 35 degrees automatically.

Things that I did not like in Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat

There Was No Battery

There was no battery in this baby potty seat and I had to buy 3 AA batteries separately. I think after purchasing such an expensive baby potty seat, if you have to buy batteries separately (to listen to the music stored in it), it sounds disappointing.


No information has been provided about the suitability of the Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat i.e. the information about suitable age and appropriate baby weight. According to me, this potty seat is not suitable for children above one and a half years.

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But despite all these shortcomings, there are things that make this baby potty seat better than other available options. Whether it is safety or material used in the making, Baybee LittleScooby 3 in 1 Potty Training Seat meets every criterion. My experience with this baby potty seat is absolutely positive.

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I am mother of one. Beside nurturing her the best way I can and taking care of my family fronts, I am passionate about cooking and ayurvedas. I also like spending time around intellectuals. And, in future, I would like to start my own NGO with one motive - helping humanity.