Home Remedies For Ear Infections
Home Remedies For Ear Infections
Photo Credit: LisaW123 Baby's Ear via photopin (license)
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There is a good chance your baby has an ear infection if he has become fussier or cries more than usual or even pokes his ear a lot. According to a study, five out of six children are susceptible to contracting an ear infection before they turn three. Although there are both minor and major cases of ear infection in young children, we would always recommend getting it checked with your pediatrician lest the infection get out of hand. A lot of times, though, an ear infection can get fine with a few home remedies. In this article, I would like to talk about those home remedies for ear infection.

ALSO READ – Causes And Symptoms For An Ear Infection In Babies

1Warm compresses for pain relief

Warm compresses have been used for a long time to ease the pain to not only related to ears but other parts of the body as well.

To apply warm compress, you can either take a towel and dip it in hot water and wring it properly before applying it on your skin so it doesn’t burn. If not a towel you can also take a.

Hot compresses help improve the blood circulation in the area thereby reducing the pain to a great extent.

2Plenty of fluids

It goes without saying that when your baby has an infection of any sort, giving him enough fluids should mostly do the trick. When it comes to an ear infection, staying hydrated helps in opening up the Eustachian tube in order for the trapped fluid to drain out.

3Warm oil does the trick

Warm oil has been known to be extremely therapeutic in ear situations. Whether it is, a few drops of it in the ear will help soothe the inflamed eardrum. However, please be advised that you should use the oil only if there is no fluid coming out of your baby’s ear.


If you have not yet weaned your baby, the best bet to relieve your little one of ear pain is breastfeeding. Breast milk is known to have anti bacterial properties and the more you breastfeed, the more chances of your baby being cured earlier. Not only that, breastfeeding your baby for up to 12 months can greatly reduce the chances of him getting infections later also.

ALSO READ – How To Prevent An Ear Infection In Children

5Elevating your baby’s head

It goes without saying that if you slightly elevate your baby’s head while sleeping, it can greatly improve your baby’s sinus drainage.

It is better not to give your baby a pillow, instead you could keep a pillow or two under the mattress to elevate the level of the bed.

Not only that if you make your baby sleep sideways with the infected ear facing up, this will also help relieve the pressure from the ear by draining the fluid away from the eardrum.

6Wiggle your baby’s ears

Believe it or not, gently wiggling your baby’s ear helps a lot in relieving him from the pain and getting the pressure off. All you have to do it lightly pinch your baby’s earlobe and stretch it out and down a couple of times. It will help open the Eustachian tube providing significant relief.

Which of these home remedies have you applied on your baby? What helped in your case? Is there any remedy you think is effective and should be added to the list? Let us know.

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