Everything You Need To Know About Formula Milk

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Everything You Need To Know About Formula Milk
Everything You Need To Know About Formula Milk
Photo Credit: mynameisharsha Ojas' First Shoot via photopin (license)
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To begin with, formula milk or powdered milk for babies is a substitute for mother’s milk. Some mothers choose to formula feed their babies while others choose to breast feed and there are some who mixed feed as well (a combination of both breast feeding and formula feeding).

Although the goodness of breast milk can never be compared with that of a formula, but there are situations when a mother has no option but to formula feed her baby. This, in no way, means they should be subject to judgment as long as the baby is growing healthy and happy.

So back to formula milk, it is basically cow’s milk in powdered form that is treated in a way that becomes suitable for infants and toddlers to consume. As of today, a number of brands have made formula milk available worldwide. Based on what suits your baby the best, there is a wide variety of these formulas available.

Before you buy formula for your little one, there is a lot for you to know. First of all, every baby reacts differently to different brands of formula. What may be best suited for one baby may not be so for another baby. So when it comes to formula, you have to do a bit of experiment to see which of these suits your baby the best.

Mostly all the formula contains the same ingredients. However, depending on your baby, your pediatrician may advice a different formula.

For example, mostly the milk based formula like Similac Advance 1 and 2, Enfamil A+ etc. are all based on cow’s milk and are to be given to babies who have a normal birth weight and are healthy and full term.

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There are soy based formulas like Similac Isomil which have no milk content in them. These are for babies who have milk allergies, are lactose intolerant and/or have diarrhea. Another example of a different kind of formula is Similac Neosure which is for premature babies. This formula is best for the growth of a premature baby born before 37 weeks.

So seeing the different kinds of formulas available in the market today, you may have to consult with your pediatrician before offering your baby one yourself.

0-6 Months On Time Birth
Birth Weight More Than 2.5 KG Allergies – No

Nestle NAN PRO 1Enfamil A+ Stage 1Nestle Lactogen 1Similac Advance Stage 1Dexolac Premium 1Farex 1 InfantAptamil Stage 1
Calories(Kcal per 100ml)492530487511511498505
Fat(g per 100ml)23.729.
Protein(g per 100ml)10.711.210.714.5012.011.011.0
Carbohydrate(g per 100ml)58.959.356.049.855.060.559.0
Folic Acid(UG per 100ml)9070951009080113
Iron(mg per 100ml)
Calcium(mg per 100ml)270300410369405500500
Zinc(mg per 100ml)3.202.503.703.703.503.403.80

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