How To Choose The Right Formula Milk For Your Baby

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How To Choose The Right Formula Milk For Your Baby
How To Choose The Right Formula Milk For Your Baby
Photo Credit: Bigstockphoto
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Whether you choose to breastfeed exclusively, formula feed exclusively or mixed feed is your own personal choice. While some of us mothers do it out of choice, others have to resort to formula feeding due to some natural reasons. Either ways, there is no harm in feeding your baby formula milk. If you’re getting started on formula feeding your baby, there must be a lot of doubts you may have in mind regarding which one is the best. Also, before you buy a formula on your own, always seek out advice from your pediatrician. In this article, we will talk about how to choose the right formula milk for your baby.

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1Baby birth

Babies who are born preterm or prematurely have different and very specific needs when it comes to formula feeding. They do not necessarily start with follow up formulas as against babies who are born full term. Special formulas for preterm babies are also available in the market. But you might want to check with your pediatrician/hospital first as to what they recommend.


One of the things that doctors are extra cautious about are allergies in babies. In case your baby is found to be allergic then in all probability cow’s milk formula would not be advised by your doctor.

For such cases, special soy based formulas are available in the market. One such formula you can try out is which is referred to babies with allergies.

Also, not to forget when your baby can’t digest sugar in the milk properly or he is lactose intolerant, you might need to reconsider your choice of baby formula.

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Baby formulas come in a variety in terms of budget as well. So based on how much you can easily spend and sustain for as long as your baby needs to be fed formula, you can choose from a variety of brands.

The most affordable one available in India has to be. It is not only affordable but also has been around for the longest time I know.


When it comes to choosing the right formula for your baby, keep in consideration his age as well. For example, the regular Similac’s formula comes in three stages and they are divided in age groups. Babies up to 6 months of age with Stage 1 and so on… So before you buy a formula for your little one, just make sure you know it’s the right one considering his age.

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When it comes to giving formula to your baby, it doesn’t depend on which brand you prefer. It all comes down to whether or not, based on certain factors, your baby is adapting to the formula. Do keep in mind – till date, no substitute for mother’s milk and doctor’s advice is highly recommend.

Formula Milk - 0 months to 6 months
Nestle NAN PRO 1Enfamil A+ Stage 1Nestle Lactogen 1Dexolac Premium 1
Calories(Kcal per 100ml)492530487511
Fat(g per 100ml)23.729.023.027.0
Protein(g per 100ml)10.711.210.712.0
Carbohydrate(g per 100ml)58.959.356.055.0
Folic Acid(UG per 100ml)90709590
Iron(mg per 100ml)
Calcium(mg per 100ml)270300410405
Zinc(mg per 100ml)3.202.503.703.50

Which formula did you give your baby? Did he easily accept it or you had to switch from one formula to the other? Tell us about your experience in the comments.

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