Things To Keep In Mind When Formula Feeding Your Baby

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Things To Keep In Mind When Formula Feeding Your Baby
Things To Keep In Mind When Formula Feeding Your Baby
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Now that, you know a lot about formula milk, here are the things to keep in mind when formula feeding your baby.

If you have been breastfeeding your baby, you must have noticed that your baby’s poops has very little to no odor at all. Also, the color of your baby’s poop is anything between mustard yellow to light green. However, when you start formula feeding your baby, the color and smell of the poop changes dramatically. It will become dark green in color and smell a lot. While worrying is natural, let me assure you that it is normal.

When this happened with my daughter, I asked my pediatrician. He said that the poop changes color only because of presence of iron in formula.

When you prepare the formula for baby, make sure you never vigorously shake the bottle. Even if you do so, ensure that there is no froth in the milk. The more air bubbles the milk forms, the more gas your baby will have. I am speaking from personal experience. While shaking the bottle so the formula dissolves completely, we tend to do it so hard that it forms air bubbles. Please don’t do that if you don’t want a gassy baby.

ALSO READ – Signs Your Baby Has Gas and How to Treat It

Never boil formula milk in the microwave or stove. Always keep warm water with you at all times in a bottle and use it whenever you have to make the feed.

If you are ever worried about how much your baby wastes formula, then always offer him lesser quantity than you do. If, for example, your prepare 100 ml, bring it down to 80ml so there is less wastage. In case your baby wants more, you can always offer him more.

But any milk that is left over has to be thrown away and not reused.

Like I said above, you have to experiment a little with which formula best suits your baby. In case your baby shows any sign of allergy from the formula and you are not sure, check his poop. If there’s any amount of mucus or blood in his poop, check with your pediatrician for the best formula for your baby.

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Also, it is not necessary to warm formula milk before you feed it to your baby. Even if the water is at room temperature, you can give it to him without any worry.

So I have tried to cover almost all the essentials you need to know if you are not aware of how to formula feed your baby. For whatever reason, whether by choice or otherwise, you feed your baby formula milk, never feel burdened by the norms of the society.

All that matters in the end is that your baby is thriving happy and healthy.

More in Formula Milk

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