Miscarriage happens to be one of the worst things that can happen to a mom-to-be. Where the physical discomfort is only apparent, one aspect we tend to often ignore is the emotional one. We may feel it is more important to look after ourselves physically but emotional and mental well being is also as important. This article talks about how to recover emotionally after a miscarriage.
Many a times, overcoming from the emotional pain of miscarriage is more difficult than one thinks it is. So today, although a very sensitive topic, we will tell you about all the ways you can better look after yourself both physically and mentally after a miscarriage.
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Give yourself time
They say time is the biggest healer. One very important thing you must consider is that after a miscarriage, you have to take things slow. Your body and mind both are not yet prepared for a normal life.
I understand you must want a baby as soon as possible for you, but in order for you to not over complicate things further, it would be best if you let time heal both your physical and emotional wounds first.
Ignore the unsolicited comments
As long as someone has not been in your shoes previously, there is absolutely no one who can feel your pain. Half of the time our problems are worsened because of the unsolicited and misguided comments we get from our near ones.
It’s OK to ignore all of it. Although people want the best for you, but as I said in the point above, you need to give yourself time.
Don’t hold back your emotions
One of the worst things you can do to yourself is ignoring your emotions after a miscarriage. You may feel it is important to move on but nothing is more harmful than ignoring the way you actually feel about certain things.
Be in touch with reality. Cry, mourn… do what you want to do but let it all out. If you don’t, there are more chances of you falling into depression.
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Be around kids more
This may seem like a silly advice to you, but I speak from experience.
One of my cousins miscarried her second baby and thanks to the presence of other babies in the house, she recovered from her loss earlier than everyone else thought she would.
Being around kids may make you more sentimental, but it’s OK.
It’s okay to cry it all out every once in a while than pretend to not care and affect your health later on.
Go out with your friends/family more often
Chances are, after a miscarriage, you might want to keep yourself confined to your own space. Although this will help, but only to a certain extent.
The more you try to hang out with your family and friends and share your sorrow, the more chances of you starting to lead a normal life.
Nothing will take your mind off of your current situation than being with the ones who matter the most to you.
Work it out
Ever heard of the fact that exercising releases the feel good hormone? You obviously need to feel better about your situation.
When you think you are fine physically, start by taking a walk once a day and if and only if your body allows, get into an exercising routine. Before you know it, you will be feeling fine on the emotional front as well.
Let it go
Obviously this may seem like an advice which is ‘easier said than done’ but trust me on this. Time is the biggest healer and with time and time alone, you will learn to let it go. Of course you have to find emotional support wherever you think you get it from.
But you will have to let it go. Being stuck in the past or on a loss of life will not let you see the possibilities of the future ahead. So it’s best to take your time and let it go when you’re ready.
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I know miscarriage is something that takes the life out of you, literally. And it is one of the worst things that could ever happen to a mother. But also remember that life goes on. With a little bit of emotional support from friends and family, there is no loss that cannot be overcome.
How about you? How did you overcome your loss? Is there any tips you would like to give others? Let us know.
All About Miscarriage
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