How To Prepare, Preserve, And Serve Formula Milk

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How To Prepare, Preserve, And Serve Formula Milk
How To Prepare, Preserve, And Serve Formula Milk
Photo Credit: pixabay
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The instructions to preparing formula are given on every pack and box you purchase. Depending on how old your baby is and how much quantity of formula milk your baby will consume, you prepare the bottle. Here is how to prepare, preserve, and serve formula milk. 

Photo Credit: Nestle Lactogen


  1. When it comes to feeding your baby, make sure you are extra conscious about hygiene. Before preparing the feed, wash your hands
  2. Ensure that the bottle to be used has been sterilized.
  3. For convenience, boil some water.
  4. Let it come to room temperature and store it in a 500ml – 1lt clean bottle or thermos.
  5. For every 30 ml of formula milk, use one scoop full and add it in the lukewarm water. Gently twirl the bottle, do not shake it to mix the contents in order to avoid air bubbles.
  6. Put this feed in an open vessel and feed your baby with the help of a spoon. You can also use a bottle if you wish.

If in case the water has cooled completely and you’d like to give your baby warmer milk, once you have mixed the contents in the bottle, boil some water in a pan. Keep the bottle in it for a few seconds or until you feel the milk has warmed till your satisfaction. Never warm the milk in a microwave.

How much formula for what age

Sometimes it completely depends on your baby’s appetite as to how much formula he can drink up in one sitting. But a general feeding guideline is as follows:

0-2 months Up to 100 ml
2-4 months 100-150 ml
4-6 months 150-200 ml
6 months-1 year 200 ml

Since I have been mixed feeding my daughter, as of 6 months of age today, she only takes about 90-120 ml of feeding.

So, it depends on how full or empty your baby’s stomach really is.I think if she was exclusively formula feeding, she would have taken more amount of milk in one go. She either stops drinking or spits up the milk if she takes anything beyond 120 ml in one sitting.

For how long can formula be stored?

photo credit: shingleback Expressed breast milk via photopin (license)

You should try to prepare the formula feed only when you know you have to feed your baby. Preparing a feed does not take long so try to prepare it only when required. But given the situation, if it has to be stored, then it has to be used up within an hour of preparation.

As far as storing it in the refrigerator is concerned, you can keep it in a bottle for up to 24 hours. Although I have never stored formula milk, but I would rather advise you to only do it if the situation demands so.

Discard the refrigerated formula milk after an hour of having kept at room temperature and 24 hours after refrigeration.

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