How To Bathe And How Often Should I Bathe My Newborn

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How To Bathe And How Often Should I Bathe My Newborn
How To Bathe And How Often Should I Bathe My Newborn
Photo Credit: Gosphotodesign / Bigstockphoto

Vishakha Rawal

An ambivert, a humanist, a true philotherian, dreamer, loves adding and checking things off the bucket list, movie buff, an avid traveler, an amateur artist, writer, blogger, engineer, and yes an entrepreneur as well!

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In this article

  1. What do doctors say about bathing your baby regularly.
  2. Bathing tips for first-time mommies.
  3. Enjoy your motherhood .

Some babies love to stay in water whereas some hate it, they scream and cry at the top of their voice. So the question is how to bathe and how often should I bathe my newborn. Let us found out.

Well, I know how overwhelming bathing a child can be, but you do not have to worry about that because that’s quite normal. According to doctors, you don’t have to! Several times a week should be good to go and at other times, if you feel, you can always give them a sponge bath.

Many times babies get rashes and skin problems due to too much of tub bathing. You really want to see that the natural oils of their skin are not slipping away.

Ok, so this article is for all you first time mommies who are going to give a bath to her baby for the first time or has already done for few times before and just looking for the correct way.

If it’s your first time, I would prefer you take help of somebody experienced, can be your mother or your helper, anybody experienced because it can really be difficult to handle wet and cry babies at first.

Step 1 - Prepare your bathing kit

Before you head to your baby bathing place, make sure you are carrying everything with you in a kit. The baby soap, shampoo, some water toys, cozy towels, daily moisturizers & baby oil.

Also, do not miss to arrange the cloth in which you are going to wrap around your baby and put her to sleep, diaper, clean clothes and of course a tub for the tub bath.

Step 2 - Bathe your baby
LuvLap Baby Bath tub with drain plug, Ergonomic and spacious, Soft Curved, Durable Non Toxic material (Orange)

You really want to check that all doors and windows are closed before you start bathing your child just to avoid cold wind blowing in. Then check the water temperature. It should be lukewarm – not too cold or not too hot.

You can put your baby in the tub (if old enough) along with some water toys in it to keep him entertained, or you can put him to rest on your palm.

Your baby will love those toys if she is several months old. Now gently bathe her with a mild soap and quickly take her out of the tub when you’re done.

Step 3 - Post-bathing rituals
Brandonn Smiley Hooded Blanket Cum Wrapper for Babies (Beige)

Wrap your baby completely in a hoodie towel and comfort her making her dry. Apply daily moisturizers and cream with some body massage. Put her diaper and clean clothes on, wrap your baby in a clean cloth and put her back to sleep. She’ll take a nice satisfying nap this way.

Now, even if you are not bathing your baby regularly, it is important to wash her genitals regularly and definitely while changing diapers. You can always use warm water for that so that it kills all the germs.

A sponge bath is also an option, it is actually best for the newborns until their umbilical stump falls off. You can always prefer sponge bath over a tub bath during winters so that the baby doesn’t catch a cold.

Happy baby = Happy You

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