- Fresh peeled and chopped apples
- Fresh Water
- Frying Pan
- Gas Stove or Induction
After six months, it is now time to start with your baby’s food diversification. Food diversification, in simpler terms, a time when you can start with semi-solid food. At this stage, starting with an apple can be a great choice. Not only do the apples digest easily, but they are a warehouse of all vital nutrients. Indeed, your baby is not yet ready for solids and he cannot eat an apple slice, hence, you have to start with an apple puree. Today, we will be discussing, “how to make an apple puree for your baby.”
So far, we know that every baby is unique and so is their growth rate. Please be advised, even if your baby is older than six months, you must not introduce any food other than breast milk unless your pediatrician recommends and your baby shows signs of readiness for solids and cereals. If you have any questions or questions, double-check with your doctor.
Ingredients To Prepare Apple Puree
You don’t have to ransack your kitchen to make this puree simple. Here are the things you need for this –
- Fresh peeled and chopped apples
- Water
- Frying Pan
- Gas Stove or Induction
Instructions for Making Apple Puree
1Take a Fresh Apple

Take one apple and wash it in clean water. We hope you know that apples tend to be acidic. Hence please choose apples of low acid varieties (not much juicy and green /golden/yellowish in color). These will be easier on their belly.
3Put Apple in the Frying Pan

Turn on the gas and put a frying pan on it. Now, put apple slices into this water. Add enough water to it. Make sure the heat/flame is not too high. Keep it low to medium.
4Cook for 10-15 Minutes

Once everything is done, cover the pan with a lid and let it cook for about 10-15 minutes.
5Regular Check-Up

Keep checking and stirring unless the apples are completely tender. Consider it done, when you can easily insert a knife/spoon/spatula through the apple pieces. Once you feel that the apples are cooked, turn off the heat.
6Mesh the Apple

After transferring these apples from pan to a bowl, you need to mash these. You can use the masher (as shown in the video). Keep mashing it and make sure there are no hard pieces left.

Your apple puree is ready. Let it cool room temperature before serving your baby.
When your baby gets used to eating apple puree, you can have other purees, as well. Here are some other options you can add to the cooked apple:
- Sweet potato
- Banana
- Yogurt
- Carrots
- Potatoes
- Pumpkin
- Oranges
- Cabbage
- Tomatoes
While feeding, make sure you are not leaving your baby unattended and you must go slow. Use a baby spoon and do not forget to sterilize your baby’s cutlery before feeding. In our next article, we will be doing banana puree. Should you have any question, please feel free to ask.
Why Apples are one of the best starters?
- Apples are rich in antioxidants and thus are good for your little one’s heart.
- Apples are also rich sources of vitamin C, which keeps your baby’s immune system in good health.
- Apple puree can be mixed with cereals and with some vegetables to increase nutrition.
Do keep in mind that this is going to be a new food for your baby, hence, you must serve him in small amounts. It is always better to give him fresh and home-made apple puree. So, let’s start with the recipe.
Complete Video - How to prepare apple puree for your baby?
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