Even though there are innumerable baby products available in the market with very attractive packing and plans, coconut oil remains the first choice for many parents even today. Let us learn about the benefits of coconut oil for babies.
No wonder that all companies producing child-related branded products claim that they are not using any harmful chemicals in any of their products, but still announcing these products as free from all side-effects and completely safe for babies, is not possible. In the case of using a wrong or unsuitable product on your baby’s skin, you may have to repent. From temporary allergies to permanent skin scars, this one mistake can cost you and your baby anything.
For example, let it be branded oil for baby’s massage. You may have heard a lot about how harmful chemicals are mixed to make these branded oils more aromatic and attractive. This is why, elders living with us always suggest not to use any of these products, at least for first few months. Instead, they suggest using coconut oil. Through this article, I will tell you about the benefits of coconut oil for babies.
How to know the quality of coconut oil?
High-quality coconut oil is always white. Should you keep it at a temperature below 24 degree Celsius, it is supposed to become solid. If the temperature is above 24 degrees, then it becomes colorless. If it does not happen and you see different colors in it, it means that this coconut oil is either of poor quality or probably fake.
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Now, let us talk about the benefits of coconut oil for babies.
1. It helps restore skin fast – When babies start to walk or crawl, having some bruises and injuries on knees and arms is very common. The worst part is, you cannot avoid such injuries. However, by applying coconut oil on the damaged skin of the child can quickly repair damaged skin and will reduce the pain in very short time.
2. Best treatment for commonly found skin disorders – Coconut oil is a very cheap and best solution available for children struggling with frequent acne, diapers rashes, dermatitis and other common skin disorders in children.
3. An easy solution for baby’s skin nourishment – You can add coconut oil in very small quantity before bathing your baby. It will nourish your baby’s sensitive skin without causing any harm to his skin. No need to buy expensive body soaps or after bath lotions that are compositions of hazardous chemicals.
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4. Best for treating fungal infections – We know that yeast infections are one of the most commonly found infection. Any many researchers have claimed that coconut oil is very effective against candida albicans; a fungus, responsible for many fungal infections.
5. The best treatment for pain in a toothache – Coconut oil is very effective in combating gum pain during teething. In this time, a gentle massage of coconut oil given directly to the gums can be very helpful.
6. Better for constipation in infants – Coconut oil also acts as a natural laxative, which is a good solution for constipation in infants. The intake of this will not only improve digestion but intestinal function as well. However, if constipation lasts for a long time, it is better to see a pediatrician. Also, be aware that coconut oil should be used only for children over 1 year and after consultation with the pediatrician!
7. Removes itching and heal wounds – Due to its inflammatory properties, coconut oil is the best remedy for itching and wounds caused by mosquito bites. Once applied directly on the affected area, coconut oil can act as a protective barrier against the penetration of bacteria.
8. Coconut oil is an effective herbal remedy against the lice – In many cases, while playing with other children, they get lice. But, coconut oil is an effective herbal remedy against this unintentional attack of lice. A wonderfully done coconut oil’s massage on baby’s head, will not buy him a relief from the lice, but also help him in setting free from any eggs left by the lice.
Hope you will like my suggestions. If you also have some other suggestions related to coconut oil, then please share with us. If you had already tried any of these suggestions, please share your experiences.
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