Spoo Curatio Tear Free Shampoo – Used and Reviewed

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Spoo Curatio Tear Free Shampoo – Used and Reviewed
Spoo Curatio Tear Free Shampoo – Used and Reviewed
Photo Credit: Mom's Cuddle

Kirti Bhartari

I am mother of one. Beside nurturing her the best way I can and taking care of my family fronts, I am passionate about cooking and ayurvedas. I also like spending time around intellectuals. And, in future, I would like to start my own NGO with one motive - helping humanity.

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4.1 / 5 Reviewer Rating
{{ reviewsOverall }} / 5 (2 reviews) User Rating
  1. While using, there is no question of tears, even if it accidentally goes into the eyes of a baby.
  2. No harmful chemicals have been used in this shampoo.
  3. No harmful color has been used in this shampoo.
  4. Its fragrance is not very strong.
  5. Gives good results on applying a little.
  6. It perfectly does what it says; no dandruff and gives you soft hair.
  7. You won't experience dry skin trouble after using it.
  1. The bottle is not transparent.
  2. It makes less foam.
  3. There is nothing like a pump to get the shampoo out.
  4. Its price is slightly higher.
Product Summary
I think Spoo Curatio Tear Free Shampoo is a great cure for infants with dandruff or scalp scum problem. Before the opinion of my pediatrician, I was completely blank about the goodness of this shampoo. But, then after using it for a month or so, I am quite content. I won't hesitate to buy it again and or recommend it to anyone.
Worth for Money
Ease of Use
Skin Friendliness

Many times it has been seen that parents had a hard time in distinguishing between cradle cap and head scum. In fact, it is always advised by pediatricians not to try to remove the cradle cap itself because doing so could be dangerous. Therefore, parents remain in the dilemma whether they should clean that or not. In the beginning, I was also in the same dilemma, but then my pediatrician told me that the black thing on my baby’s head was not the cradle cap but the scum and it was very important to clean it very carefully. For this, he advised Spoo Curatio Tear Free Shampoo. Today I would like to tell you about my experiences with this baby shampoo.

ALSO READ – Common Questions About Cradle Cap In Babies

Perhaps, you have not heard about this shampoo. But this is a great solution for the scalp of babies. Now let’s start reviewing this product.

What I liked about this product

Attractive packing

Spoo Curatio Tear Free Shampoo – Used and Reviewed
Spoo Curatio Tear Free Shampoo – Used and Reviewed

Let us start reviewing this shampoo from its packing itself. This shampoo comes in a very beautiful pink plastic bottle, which looks very attractive and can be easily placed on any shelf of the bathroom.

ALSO READ – Chicco Baby Moments Gentle Body Wash And Shampoo – Used And Reviewed

There is no harmful chemical in shampoo

This shampoo is free from all types of harmful chemicals. Trust me, after using this shampoo, your child’s skin is not going to have any kind of problem.

Spoo Curatio Tear Free Shampoo – Used and Reviewed
Spoo Curatio Tear Free Shampoo – Used and Reviewed

Whenever you buy a shampoo for your baby, you need to make sure that it must not contain any hazardous chemicals such as SLES, Parabens, Alcohol, and Dyes. Etc.

No artificial colors are used

The second best thing about this shampoo I found is – it is transparent and there is no use of artificial colors at all.

Spoo Curatio Tear Free Shampoo – Used and Reviewed
Spoo Curatio Tear Free Shampoo – Used and Reviewed

It is often seen that some companies do not hesitate from using harmful color in the baby products, just to make them look attractive. There are many such cheap options available in the market and mark my words, the presence of harmful chemicals in those can cause serious damage to your baby’s skin.

It does not leave your baby’s skin dry

After using this shampoo, I realized that it did not make my baby’s skin dry.

No tears formula

Spoo Curatio Tear Free Shampoo is a no tears formula. This means that even if it goes in the eyes of the baby, the baby is not going to experience any kind of irritation or trouble.

Its fragrance is not too strong

It is a very good thing that the shampoo’s fragrance is not very strong. Actually, a strong aroma is a discomfort for babies and it can disturb them to a greater extent.
Less foam, but effective

Spoo Curatio Tear Free Shampoo – Used and Reviewed
Spoo Curatio Tear Free Shampoo – Used and Reviewed

To be honest, I take it in very small amounts. But, despite making very little froth, yet it cleanses the scum from the head of the baby in a very effective manner. Hopefully, you will know that you do not have to rub the head of the baby when doing shampoo.

You are supposed to wash your baby’s hair in a massage motion with light hands. So, do not try to clean the scalp of the baby’s head in one use.

You can see the amount of scum on my baby’s scalp. This is the picture that I clicked 10 days before using Spoo Curatio Tear Free Shampoo.

Spoo Curatio Tear Free Shampoo – Used and Reviewed
Spoo Curatio Tear Free Shampoo – Used and Reviewed

Now, here are the results after using the shampoo for 10 days. You can see a perfect job done.

Spoo Curatio Tear Free Shampoo – Used and Reviewed
Spoo Curatio Tear Free Shampoo – Used and Reviewed

Now, this one is the most recent photo. You can see the magic. This shampoo is doing a brilliant job.

Spoo Curatio Tear Free Shampoo – Used and Reviewed
Spoo Curatio Tear Free Shampoo – Used and Reviewed
What I disliked about the product

Packing is not transparent

I did not like packing. There is absolutely no transparency in its bottle and you cannot in any way know how much shampoo is left in the bottle, just in case you are up for buying a new one.

ALSO READ – How To Bathe And How Often Should I Bathe My Newborn

There is no pump to get the shampoo out

The bottle comes without a pump to get the shampoo out. So, to have it out, you have to squeeze the bottle.

Spoo Curatio Tear Free Shampoo – Used and Reviewed

In the case of infants, you may have to face difficulties. You cannot use it without asking someone to help you either with a baby or the bottle.

The price of this shampoo is a bit high

The price of 75 ml bottle is comparatively higher than other available options. In my personal opinion, there is a mismatch between its price and the quantity of product.

Finally, I would like to say that my experience with Spoo Curatio Tear Free Shampoo is positive. Therefore, I would say that if you are facing any such trouble, try this once; you won’t regret. But, before that, do not miss to ask your pediatrician about using it.

Spoo Baby Shampoo Vs. Other Baby Shampoos
Spoo Curatio Baby Shampoo Himalaya Baby ShampooBaby Dove Rich Moisture ShampooJohnson's Baby No More Tears Baby ShampooMamaearth Gentle Cleansing Shampoo
Tear Free

Soap Free

Skin Friendly


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I am mother of one. Beside nurturing her the best way I can and taking care of my family fronts, I am passionate about cooking and ayurvedas. I also like spending time around intellectuals. And, in future, I would like to start my own NGO with one motive - helping humanity.