- No direct body contact.
- Accurate temperature reading.
- Easy to use.
- Can be used for measuring body and other objects' temperature.
- Suitable for every age group.
- Temperature readings may vary with room temperature.
- Improper use may give wrong readings.
- Some functions like reading stored temperatures and changing Fahrenheit to Celsius are difficult to understand.
Before the baby is born, every parent makes an important list of the goods to be bought. In this list in addition to toys and clothing, there are some other very important items, such as a thermometer. Through this article, I would like to review the AccuSure Non-Contact Thermometer.
There is no double opinion that mercury based old-fashioned thermometers are not considered suitable for children at all. What if a child breaks that thermometer in the mouth? You cannot even imagine what danger this can put a child in. I agree that the accuracy of temperature readings in case of an old-fashioned mercury based thermometer, is way too higher than digital thermometers, but so are the risks.
Why I Bought This Product
Before using AccuSure Non-Contact Thermometer, recording temperature was a challenge for me. Like many others, I used to record temperature with an old-fashioned thermometer. I was completely aware of the dangers of putting that thermometer in the mouth of the baby. So, putting it under my daughter’s armpit was the only option left for me. Now, the trouble is, putting it under the armpit for the required duration is another challenge.
She used to express her discomfort by shaking, moving and crying. Due to this, I often used to have wrong temperature readings and this leads to never ending confusion about her ill-health. Being disturbed by all these things, I bought AccuSure Non-Contact Thermometer.
What Did I Find In Its Packing

This thermometer comes in a very secure packing, which is specially designed to protect the thermometer from any damage.
- A thermometer
- 2 pencil cells (AAA)
- Instruction Manual
How To Use It

It is very easy to use AccuSure Non-Contact Thermometer. To take a temperature you have to press and hold the power button once. Once it is turned on, for two seconds you will see the last temperature stored in the memory. As soon as that temperature disappears, you will hear a small beep. This beep means that now you can record the new temperature.
You have to keep the thermometer at a distance of 5 centimeters from the forehead and keep the scan button pressed for 2 seconds. If there is anything like sweat, dust, or hair on the forehead, then you are supposed to wipe it before taking the temperature.
As soon as the thermometer records the temperature, you will hear a long beep. Finally, the recorded temperature will be shown on the screen.
Things To Be Careful About When Taking Temperature
1. Before recording temperature, be sure to check the temperature of the room because the room with high temperature can also hinder the correct temperature.
2. When you are taking temperature, keep in mind that the person should not be moving, eating, or drinking anything.

3. Before using the thermometer, clean the scanning area well enough. If the scanning area is dirty or dusty, then clean it with cotton.
4. Clean the sweat, water, dust, etc. before taking the temperature from the object.
5. Take the temperature from forehead only, otherwise the temperature can vary.
What I liked about the product
There Is No Direct Contact With The Baby’s Body
As the name clears itself, it is a thermometer based on infrared. You don’t need to put it in the mouth or under any other part of the body to record temperature. For recording the temperature, you need to keep it at a distance of 5 centimeters from the forehead of the baby. So, no direct contact between baby’s body and this thermometer.
You Can Store Different Temperature For Different Times

On the child’s illness, pediatricians often recommend that after a fixed period, whenever the temperature of the baby is taken, it should be written. The main reason behind doing this is to keep checking that if she has been given any medicines, is her fever decreasing or not? But there was no such facility in the old fashioned thermometer. I had to write the temperature taken at different times.
But, this is not the case in this thermometer. In this thermometer, you can store up to 30 old temperatures. Therefore, you do not have to remember or write every temperature.
Thermometer Is Capable Of Showing Slight Variation In Temperature
Upon a slight difference in temperature in the old thermometer, it was hard to read any such change. It was difficult to know whether there is a difference in temperature or not. Whereas, in this thermometer, you have a wonderful LCD display that displays the correct temperature in digits. Hence, even if there is decimal’s difference in that temperature, it will give you a new value.
Changes In The Color of The Screen With Change In The Temperature
One more thing that I liked was that – the change in the color of the screen with temperature. If the temperature is normal (temperature is below 99.5), then the thermometer shows the temperature in the green screen. This means baby is in good health.

If the temperature is high (99.5 or above), the screen turns red, when it shows the temperature. This means that the baby has a fever.

There was nothing like this in the old thermometer.
Can Measure Temperature In Celsius Or Fahrenheit
With this thermometer, you can take temperatures in any unit, Celsius or Fahrenheit. Both features are available in the thermometer. Some people have to face a lot of difficulty in converting AccuSure Non-Contact Thermometer from Celsius to Fahrenheit or Fahrenheit to Celsius. In this article, I will further discuss this topic.
Not Only The Body, You Can Also Take Temperature For Anything

With this thermometer, you cannot only take the temperature of the body but also the temperature of objects. To do this, you have to slide the button given on the left side of the thermometer. Again, to measure the temperature of the body, you have to slide that button upwards.
This Thermometer Is Not Just For Babies
This thermometer is not only for babies, but adults can also use it. In the case of senior citizens, sometimes it is not easy to take temperatures using old-fashioned mercury based thermometers.
What I disliked about the product
Converting Temperature to Celsius or Fahrenheit
When using AccuSure Non-Contact Thermometer, you may have to face considerable difficulty in converting from Celsius to Fahrenheit or Fahrenheit to Celsius. The biggest dilemma is that nothing has been given in this manual about it nor any information is available on the internet.
I tried to talk to customer care too, but about customer care, my experience was not particularly good. However, later I found the solution myself. But, this was a very big problem. Understanding and decoding the temperature in Celsius was very difficult for me.
Different Temperatures On Different Parts Of The Body
The second biggest drawback in this thermometer was that it show different temperatures on different parts of the body. However, the temperature of the body should be taken from the forehead, but in winter, when the body is covered and only the face area is out, the difference in temperature can be seen. This thermometer measures the outer temperature, whereas in the old thermometer the temperature inside the body is taken.
How to change Celsius to Fahrenheit or Fahrenheit to Celsius in AccuSure Non-Contact Thermometer #FR 800
1. To do this, you first have to turn your thermometer “off”.

2. Then, you have to press the “scan” button for 4 to 5 seconds.
3. By doing so, the thermometer will automatically be “switched on” and on the right side of thermometer, you will see F or C in blinking mode.
4. As soon as you see it blinking, you have to press the scan button again.

5. If your thermometer is set to Fahrenheit, then it will change to Celsius. If it is set to Celsius, then it will change to Fahrenheit.
How To Check Temperatures Stored In The Memory
As I mentioned earlier, AccuSure Non-Contact Thermometer is capable of storing 30 temperatures in its inbuilt memory.
Actually, when you take a temperature, the AccuSure Non-Contact Thermometer automatically stores it in the inbuilt memory as last taken temperature.
Here are the steps to check the temperatures stored in memory
Step 1 – Press the “Scan” button once.

Step 2 – You will see _ _ _ M flashing on the screen.

Step 3 – Press scan button again.

Step 4 – At first, you will see a numeric number, then the last stored temperature.

Step 5 – Keep pressing the scan button and you will be able to see all 30 temperatures stored in the memory.
Every time you take a temperature, the last temperature will shift to a number ahead. And, as number 1, you will be always having the most recent temperature.
For Example
1. You had taken the temperature at 11 AM and it was 98.9 F. Once you are done, it will be automatically stored in the inbuilt memory as Temperature No. 1.
2. After an hour, you again scanned the patient for temperature. This time, you had a reading of 97.4 F. Now, this temperature is going to be stored as No.1. The last temperature (the one you had at 11 AM), will automatically be shifted to the next memory count i.e. temperature No 2.
3. Every time you scan, this count will keep moving.
This thermometer had solved my two biggest difficulties (recording temperature without putting the thermometer in the mouth and storing the temperature of each hour), hence, in my opinion, this thermometer is far better than the old-fashioned mercury based thermometers. Yes, its price is a bit high. But when the matter is of the safety of the child, then price barely matters. Am I right?
Detailed Video Review of AccuSure Non-Contact Thermometer
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