A Guide To Breastfeeding Positions – Part Two

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Shruti Singh

A proud mom to a beautiful little baby girl, learning the art of parenting one day at a time. Experiencing the joys of being a mom for the first time. Excited and anxious about the journey. Takes being a stay-at-home mom as a challenge and there's nothing she would change about it.

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⇠ Previous Breastfeeding Positions

All the new moms whether first timers or experienced, know that breastfeeding is serious business. And it does get a lot difficult at times especially for the new moms out there.

Previously we talked a few breastfeeding positions like the cradle hold, the cross-cradle hold, the side-lying hold, and the inverted side-lying hold. In this addition, let us talk about a few more breastfeeding positions.

Back-lying Breastfeeding Position

Back Lying Position

We can’t stress enough the fact that there are a number of easy to hold positions for breastfeeding and back lying position is one of them.

What you have to do to feed your little one in this position is simply keep a pillow behind you to support your back and lay down inclined. Hold your baby facing your breast with his mouth at the nipple level. Use your right hand to hold the baby from the hips and your left hand on his back.

Side-lying Breastfeeding Position

Side Lying Position

This is another position that comes under the most comfortable positions category. Lay on your left side and offer your left breast to your baby.

Hold your left breast with your right hand while your left hand supports your head. You could even place a pillow underneath your head for extra comfort if you wish.

Keep in mind though that while feeding your baby in this position, your baby’s body should be facing yours. Only the head should not be tilted towards the breast.The side lying position gives the mother and her back the much needed rest.

This position is the best for mothers who have had a C-section as the weight of the baby does not press on your spot making it easier for you to breastfeed. You may even take a quick nap as well as your baby feeds.

Australian hold Breastfeeding Position

The Australian Hold

In this position, you hold your baby on one of your thighs facing you. If you are feeding on the right breast, your right hand holds the baby’s head while your left hand supports your breast for a good latch.

A position like this is better for babies who are old enough to sit on your thigh and can reach the height of your breast. In case your baby is younger and smaller, you can use a cushion under his hips to reach your breast.

Football Breastfeeding Positionbres

The Football Hold

This is another breastfeeding position that is fit for women with a C-section. For a football position, hold your baby on a pillow with his chest along your side and his legs behind you.

If you are nursing on your left breast, hug your baby with your left arm with your hand under his head. Use your right hand to support your breast for a good latch.

A position like this can be a bit difficult for women with smaller breasts. So you will either have to keep a bigger cushion or try a position that is more comfortable for you and the baby.

With this guide to breastfeeding positions, we are sure you would be more at ease nursing your baby. Find the position that works best for the both of you for a good feeding session.

⇠ Previous Breastfeeding Positions

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A proud mom to a beautiful little baby girl, learning the art of parenting one day at a time. Experiencing the joys of being a mom for the first time. Excited and anxious about the journey. Takes being a stay-at-home mom as a challenge and there's nothing she would change about it.