Pregnancy is a very beautiful process that is divided into three trimesters of pregnancy, and it is impossible to imagine a new life without it. Today, I am going to tell you why first trimester is the most crucial period in pregnancy?
It is divided into trimesters, which lasts 12-14 trimester weeks; a normal, full-term pregnancy lasts 37-42 weeks. The 1st trimester (Week 1- 13) follows conception and the first 2 weeks may go unnoticed.
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Why first trimester is crucial?
Several changes happen in the fetus that makes this trimester (1st trimester) a crucial stage.
Month 1
The amniotic sac forms around the fertilized egg and it provides a cushion like protection to the developing embryo. In the first month of pregnancy month, the formation of placenta happens.
The placenta plays an important role in transferring nutrients from a mother to the baby. Additionally, this is the month, when a baby’s eyes, mouth, jaw, throat, and blood cells start developing.
Month 2
In this month of pregnancy, the baby’s face continues to develop and other body parts like arms, legs, fingers start to bud out.
This is a month when the baby’s digestive system develops. In the second month, the neural tube, which forms the spinal cord, brain, and nerves, start forming.
Month 3
By this month, you can expect your baby to have arms, hands, fingers, feet, and toes. Your baby is now capable of opening and closing its fists and mouth.
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In addition to baby’s ears, fingernails, toenails, and teeth are the next to form. In this month, circulatory, urinary systems, and liver become functional. Also, the reproductive organs are partially formed.
Since your baby’s most critical development occurs in this stage, the baby is most vulnerable to injury from multiple factors like a cigarette, alcohol, X-ray radiation, and certain drugs.
It is during the first trimester where damage can occur to the developing organs and result in birth defects or disfigurements.
After this trimester, as all organs are formed, hence, the chances of pregnancy risks like miscarriages also drop.
Changes in The First Trimester
Rapidly rising levels of estrogen, progesterone, and endorphins (pregnancy hormones) encourage the growth of the uterine wall and implantation of the embryo.
At the 2nd week, implantation of the embryo can cause minimal implantation bleeding and this can be mistaken as a short menstrual period.
Heavy bleeding and cramps may require a visit to the doctor to rule out the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy.
Hormonal Influences
A cocktail of pregnancy hormones affects body systems in different ways and are responsible for a number of symptoms experienced by women.
Digestive System
Pregnancy hormones slow the digestion of food through your digestive system so that the food gets more time to absorb in your blood and reach your baby. This delay in stomach emptying precipitates nausea, vomiting, and constipation.
Circulatory System
The dilation of blood vessels caused by these hormones, increase the amount of blood flow reaching to the baby. But, at the same time, it is also responsible for the increased cranial pressure that becomes a reason for migraines and headaches.
This also causes dizziness, in case a pregnant woman is asked to stand for a longer duration.
This dilation of blood vessels also leads to hypersensitivity of the clitoris and hyperstimulation of the vagina.
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Progesterone (a type of hormone) causes fatigue. Some women have acne, some have cravings for a particular type of food and some also feel irritable. Morning sickness and mood change is a common practice and it is common for a pregnant woman to feel excited and sad sometimes. Your belly grows to accommodate the growing baby.
Breast size increases as the body prepare to breastfeed the baby. Women may also acquire a rosy, fresh, pregnancy glow due to increased blood flow.
Most of these changes are temporary and subside after the first trimester. To improve the health of your baby, combine naps with short walking exercises, eat right, drinks lots of water and visit your doctor regularly.
Do take good care of yourself because there is a life growing inside of you.
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