Protecting Your Baby From The Summer Heat

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Protecting Your Baby From The Summer Heat
Protecting Your Baby From The Summer Heat
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They say a baby’s first summers and first winters are the worst and they fall sick more often during these times. Now that summers are already there, so, protecting your baby from the summer heat is very important. 

It is very important to keep your baby safe in both summers and winters to avoid unnecessary illnesses especially if it’s your baby’s first. With the temperature reaching 40 degrees plus mark, I doubt there is going to be respite for us any time soon for now. The worst affect in a scorching heat as this are the babies and very young babies for that matter.

You can’t even keep your baby locked in your house because fresh air is also very important. But even in the evenings and early morning these days, taking your baby out is impossible.

The problem with such weather is that if you want to save your baby from the hot and dry wind, you have to ensure no body part is naked or exposed. But if you do that, there is a risk of baby sweating and developing heat rash from overdressing. Exposed skin can also get sunburned easily.

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Keeping these things in mind let me give you a few tips on how you can save your baby from the extreme rise in the mercury.

  • If you plan to stay at home or indoors make sure you dress your baby in the lightest of clothes. Ensure that you are not making your baby wear tight or snug clothing. Cotton is the best bet in weather so hot like this.
  • In case you have to go out, make sure you carry a sun hat for your baby. This will protect his/her face from the heat of the sun. Also, to avoid being sunburned, make sure the clothes cover most of the baby’s body but they should be breathable.
  • It is extremely important to keep your baby well hydrated. Just like you want water every time you feel hot or perspire, your baby does too. Obviously if your baby is younger than 6 months, then his water needs are met by breast milk or formula. But if your baby is older than 6 months, he requires water to hydrate himself.
  • If your kid likes to play outside, avoid him going out at peak hours like afternoon when the heat from the sun is at its absolute worse.
  • If your baby is older than 6 months, never leave home without applying sunscreen on the exposed body parts. For a baby younger than 6 months, I personally feel you should avoid stepping out of the house in scorching heat if possible. Younger babies are more susceptible to catching illnesses.
  • In this weather I always bathe my baby twice. Once half an hour after she wakes up in the morning and then in the evening. Please ensure that the water you bathe your baby in is neither cold nor hot. Babies start shivering in both the cases and this will only make their body temperature upset.
  • As for the room your baby sleeps in, if you’re using air conditioner, then the temperature should not go below 24 degrees else it gets very cold for the babies, especially if they are younger than 6 months.
  • It is very common for babies to get prickly heat. My daughter currently has it and trust me it does not make things comfy for them. You have to make sure that your baby does not sweat a lot and if he/she does then use a good prickly heat powder so the discomfort is relieved.

ALSO READ – How To Bathe And How Often Should I Bathe My Newborn

These are only few of the precautions you ought to take in this summer heat to keep your baby cool. Remember that a body temperature that is both below and above the normal range should be a cause of worry and accordingly you should take care of your baby.

How about you? What precautions do you take to keep your child safe from the summer’s sun?

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