If you are nearing you due date then I’m sure you must be feeling the chills. Not only that, anxiety too. We are not only scared because of the birthing experience but also because we don’t know what to expect. Even after great planning you feel like you will miss out on something. We don’t know about other things but one thing we can help you out with is the checklist for the maternity bag for mom and baby both. At least you’ll be sorted on this front!
So based on my personal experience, I have made a list of all the ONLY essential items you need to take with you to the hospital. Most of the time moms-to-be would pack all the unnecessary items and leave out the important ones. So here’s the list for you to make sure you don’t forget what you will need the most.
ALSO READ – Shopping List For A Newborn Baby – Welcoming A New Member
1All your medical files
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This is a no-brainer! But you have to ensure that you keep all your medical files, reports, insurance papers etc handy when you are closer to your due date.
When the time comes you will be in such a hurry that there’s a good chance you might forget it (just like I did). So ensure you have it in your maternity bag when the time is closer.
2A night gown
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This has to be one of the most important in my maternity bag checklist. This is an overlooked item because hospitals usually provide their own dress. But trust me, considering the hygiene factor; make sure you carry a gown to wear because obviously they will not let you wear anything down your stomach that hugs the skin. So it is either the dress from the hospital or your own.
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Now don’t pack unnecessary items like shampoo, conditioner etc. unless of course your stay at the hospital is going to be an extended one.
Only take the most essential items aka travel size toothpaste, tooth brush, Vaseline (trust me you are going to need this), a hair brush, a rubber band and maybe a few hair pins. Nothing more than these items, unless needed.
4Maternity pads
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You know you are going to bleed soon as the baby comes out. And the initial days it is going to be more than you think it will be. Although my hospital provided the maternity pads of its own but I still think you should keep a small pack (heavy-duty though) size just in case.
5A pair of socks
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I noticed that when I was in labor, my feet got extremely cold even though the weather was quite pleasant. So to be on the safer side, ensure you pack a pair of warm socks for when you get cold feet.
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Let me be very honest – It’s going to get messy! You will probably have to use and throw them. So get yourself a few pieces of larger than your size underwear. Say, if you use a Medium size, go in for Large. The reason is that you will be swollen from the stomach down and you will not be able to tolerate anything that hugs your body tight. So ensure that they are not snug and are just a size larger than the ones you normally wear.
7Going-home outfit
When you’re packing your bag, pack a loose-fitted going-home outfit as well. This is one thing I absolutely forgot to pack. But you’re obviously going to need it. So don’t forget it!
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8Diaper bag
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Well apart from your items, you have to also have a hospital bag checklist for your baby obviously. So here are all the things you must keep in your diaper bag-
- A pack or two of diapers for newborns (cloth or others whatever you wish to use)
- 3-4 sets of socks, booties and mittens
- A blanket, a sweater, 1-2 warm inners (depending upon the weather)
- Plenty of soft cotton sheets for if you will be using cloth diapers. Your baby will pee and poop frequently so make sure you have enough of these sheets you can wrap your baby in as well.
- Going-home outfit
- A cap (to keep your baby’s head warm)
- A few soft cotton wipes for throw ups and otherwise
I would advise against using anything store-bought like wet wipes or creams etc. for your baby when he’s a newborn. Only use cotton wipes dipped in warm water and coconut oil if you have to apply it at all.
Although there are other hundred things you could pack apart from these like phone charger, ear phones, a book to read etc. but these are not essential. Phone is a must but only if you’re going to be alone (which is hardly going to be the case). But the list I have given is that of the essential can’t-do-without items. So make sure you have these apart from any other you think you need.
ALSO READ – Mistakes New Parents Make in the First Year
Which other essential item do you think has been missed out of this list? What all did you pack during your time at the hospital? Share your experience with us.
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