Top Five Minerals For A Child Growth

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Top Five Minerals For A Child Growth
Top Five Minerals For A Child Growth
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Simranjit Kaur

Mother of one, Master of Education with specialization in child-psychology. After becoming mother, I met with real me. I am now learning new concepts of parenting every fresh day and sharing my experiences with other mothers. I believe, one of the most important things that you, as a parent, should work on is - your child's psychology. Understanding the child-psychology will help you build stronger bonds and know them better.

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Between 0 and 3 years, your baby is going to experience a spectacular growth. To accompany it, minerals are indispensable. Let us explore the top five minerals for a child growth.

Allow me to start with mentioning those five top mineral that plays an indispensable role in your child’s growth – calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium and fluoride. For a perfect growth, you are supposed to have a varied and balanced diet consisting these top five minerals, so that your baby can retrieve all essential minerals from these.

Calcium for the skeleton

The calcium plays an important role in bone mineralization. During the first three years, the child’s height doubles. The calcium intakes are therefore very important for the good development of the skeleton.

As long as the baby is fed exclusively with milk, there is no problem. After that, 500 ml of milk per day is needed to cover these needs.

If your baby is somehow allergic to milk or doesn’t like milk, it is necessary to compensate that with cheeses. Make sure you are buying those with the hard dough because they are the richest in calcium.

Please do not stop on dairy products because calcium deficiency causes growth retardation.

Iron for tone

The iron is an essential element because it plays an important role in the transportation of oxygen into cells. The rapid development of baby requires large quantities. The risk of iron deficiency is very high and on an average, every third child under-3s is confronted.

The lack of iron is seen on lips or the tongue and it is treated with supplements. However, in the case of infants, please do not give any such supplement without a medical prescription. Evan a minor overdose is dangerous.

Other than supplements, iron is found in meat, the yellow of egg, and in dark green vegetables.

Zinc for the immune system

Next, is Zinc. It not only helps in the role of child’s growth and development of his brain but also improves child’s immunity.

Zinc deficiency can cause growth retardation and immune problems that make the child more vulnerable to infections.

You can zinc from foods such as meat, egg yolk, fish, dairy product, and whole grains.

Magnesium for the heart

The magnesium is essential for the baby’s body. It acts as a regulator of the cardiovascular system and muscles.

In addition, it promotes the fixation of calcium on the bones. The whole grains, vegetables dry (not to give before 18 months), chocolates and growth enriched kinds of milk are good sources of magnesium.

A deficiency of this mineral may result in cardiac or neurological disorders and in the worst case, the psychomotricity of the child may also be diminished.


For your baby’s perfect growth, you should not overlook the importance of boron because boron helps in balancing the amount of vitamin D in a baby.

You can have boron from food like almond, broccoli, apricot, apple, and beans as well. It is in the best interest of your baby if you are including foods that contain boron in your baby’s diet.

In addition to mineral, you must include foods that are rich in vitamin A, B, C, D, E, and K. In my upcoming article, I will talking about the benefits of these vitamins and sources from where you can obtain these.

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Mother of one, Master of Education with specialization in child-psychology. After becoming mother, I met with real me. I am now learning new concepts of parenting every fresh day and sharing my experiences with other mothers. I believe, one of the most important things that you, as a parent, should work on is - your child's psychology. Understanding the child-psychology will help you build stronger bonds and know them better.