Speech Delays – My Baby is 2.5 Years And Not Speaking? Why?

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Speech Delays - My Baby is 2.5 Years And Not Speaking? Why?
Speech Delays - My Baby is 2.5 Years And Not Speaking? Why?
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Question asked by a mother – My baby is 2.5 years and not speaking at all. Should I worried? Is this something to do with speech delays?

Have you ever seen two kids of the same age but with different speech development milestones? I, in fact have a 2.5 year old girls in my neighborhood who hasn’t yet started to speak. And, my daughter (2 year old) speaks as clearly as an adult. The point I’m making here is that every child is different.

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While some start making sense of the words as early as 1-1.5 years, there are others who take longer to start speaking. This, however, should never be considered a failure on the part of the child.

Every child is different and they reach all their developmental milestones differently.

Should you be worried?

There are also definite signs that show that there is no cause of concern.

  1. The ability of your baby to use facial expressions as a form of communication.
  2. Your baby pointing to things he wants, whether it is milk or a toy.
  3. When you call your baby by his name, he responds by either looking at you or comes running to you.
  4. Your baby responding with laughter when something funny happens or general understanding of things happening around.
  5. Your baby’s ability to understand directions like don’t do that, pick it up, throw it out, come here, sit there etc…
  6. When your baby mimics your actions like those of kissing, cuddling etc…

If your 2-2.5 year old shows any of these signs, that means you have nothing to worry about even if he has not yet started speaking. A basic understanding of what is happening around him is more than enough at this point.

Including Children with Speech and Language Delay (Inclusion)

Yes, there is no doubting the fact that you, as a parent, have to make more of an effort to talk to him. But it, in no way, means that there is a language or speech delay in your child. Sometimes babies take their own sweet time in doing things and we should let that be.

Also be advised that nothing you, as a parent, do that delays the language or speech development in your child. Never blame yourself for your child not speaking earlier than other kids you may have seen. Just be there and try to identify objects with your baby as much as you can.

ALSO READ – Activities And Games For Your 6-8 Months Baby

If, however, you still feel that your baby either doesn’t show all or some of the above mentioned points, then you must make a visit to your pediatrician. In cases like these, doctors are best to advise whether or not a speech or language intervention is required.

How old is your baby? Has he/she started speaking yet? Did you face any speech delays problems? What would you advise or recommend to parents struggling with this issue? 

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