Some Common Breastfeeding Problems

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Some Common Breastfeeding Problems
Some Common Breastfeeding Problems
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Shruti Singh

A proud mom to a beautiful little baby girl, learning the art of parenting one day at a time. Experiencing the joys of being a mom for the first time. Excited and anxious about the journey. Takes being a stay-at-home mom as a challenge and there's nothing she would change about it.

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The feeling a mother experiences when her baby latched on to breast feed for the first time cannot be expressed in words. And, so is true for the pain faced by mothers because of some common breastfeeding problems.

Some mothers get tearful while others wonder in amazement what a beautiful life they have created. Either ways that’s probably the happiest moment of our lives. However, this moment of joy comes with a price of its own. So, let’s see what these common breastfeeding problems are and what can be done to sort these problems.

Improper latch

The very base of the breastfeeding problems that lead to more serious issues involving the breast is an improper latch. To ensure that the baby is latched on to the breast properly, see that most of the dark part of the breast (the areola) is in the baby’s mouth. Also, your baby’s lips should not be tucked in the mouth, and that her chin is tucked into the breast.

Sore and cracked nipples

This is one of the most common things that happens when they baby does not latch on to the breast properly. There is nothing that can ease the pain of sore and cracked nipples if you want to continue breastfeeding.

Chances are you will have to either pump in the pain or breast feed, either ways it gets extremely painful especially when your baby nibbles at the breast instead of sucking. Again, the solution to this is nothing but a proper latch.

It hurts when baby latches on

Most pediatricians would say that if it hurts, you are not breastfeeding well. The only sensation you should get when breastfeeding is that of strong sucking and it should never hurt.

If it hurts, then either the baby is not latched on properly or there could be another underlying cause. Ensure that the latch is proper if you want to breastfeed without pain.

Engorged or heavy breasts

This usually happens when your breasts are producing a lot of milk but you are not emptying your breasts as often. Also when you are still getting used to breastfeeding and your baby is still learning to latch properly, this is a common scene especially when you are producing enough milk.

Best way to make sure your supply remains intact and to avoid heaviness, try and pump as often as you can if you are unable to feed the baby for whatever reason. Do read my another article on how to prepare, preserve, and serve formula milk.

Blocked milk ducts

Yes and that’s a thing. And very painful for that matter. Only the mothers who have experienced this know the pain that comes with it. This happens when the engorged breasts are not taken care of.

If the engorgement or heaviness of the breasts continues or if the breasts are not emptied then it causes the milk ducts to block. You will be able to see a painful lump in your breast that hurts at even the slightest movement.

The solution to this is even if your breast hurts, make sure you keep feeding and don’t stop. It will usually go away on its own.


This is truly the mother of all problems related to breastfeeding. And happens when the blocked milk ducts are not taken care of. The breast becomes inflamed and painful with infection. This problem required medical attention and if you happen to get it, you might need antibiotics. Check with your doctor first.

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If you are a new mom or an experienced one, chances are that if you have been breastfeeding, you have faced one or the other problem that comes with it.

Believe it or not even experienced mothers face these problems. The problem is not that the mothers don’t know how to feed properly, half of the problem is when the baby also doesn’t know how to latch on to the breast properly.

Out of these 6 common breastfeeding problems, I went through 5 of them and did have a hard time. But the good thing with most of these problems was that continued breastfeeding helped.

So, the best advice I can give if you are suffering from these is that you should continue to breastfeed. If the problem persists, don’t forget to check with your doctor.

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