Signs of Premature Birth

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Signs of Premature Birth
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Hope you know that premature birth is the type of birth that occurs before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Babies born early may have chronic or potentially fatal health problems. If you are pregnant, then you must learn about the signs of premature birth. In this article, we will be talking about signs of premature birth.

Digestive Problems

During pregnancy, you must not ignore any type of digestive problems. It can be more than simple indigestion, especially if you notice menstrual cramps. In addition, diarrhea around the expected date of delivery could be a sign of premature birth.

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If this happens, make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Sometimes diarrhea is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Should you face trouble with tolerating liquids for more than 8 hours, please see a doctor immediately.

Feeling Less Pressure in The Abdominal Muscles

Although pregnant women take it as a relief, in reality, it is not a relief. This happens due to a drop in pressure in the abdomen as the baby is lowered to the required position to come into the world.

Now, if this happens before the due date, it is a clear sign of premature birth.

Back Pain

Back pain is part of the natural course of a pregnancy. However, some discomfort, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy, can be taken as a sign of premature birth.

According to experts, a pain in the lower portion of the back may mean that the baby is in the right position for labor. If you experience a backache that does not get better when you change your body position, you should consider it as a sign of premature birth. It is time to prepare your maternity luggage.

Your Cervix is Dilated

True labor begins once your cervix is dilated to 10 centimeters. Although, it takes a while to reach 10 centimeters, yet the chances of premature birth are very high. If your cervix begins to dilate earlier in the third trimester of pregnancy, it is a clear sign of premature birth.

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Contractions That Do Not Disappear

It is common to experience contractions during pregnancy, but when they become stronger and do not disappear (within 10 minutes or more), then you must consider them as serious indications. You can take it as a sign of early labor. Please see a doctor immediately.

Loss of Cervical Mucous Plug

According to area experts, pregnant women usually lose their cervical mucous plug between 37-40 gestational weeks. If you notice a slight blood leak before the expected interval, you should take it as a sign of premature labor.

You are confronted with bacterial vaginosis

There is a clear link between bacterial vaginosis and premature labor. If you know you suffer from this problem, it would be good to prepare yourself.

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In addition to these, there are a few more signs of premature birth such as:

1. Draining a liquid that does not smell urine
2. Changes in the type of vaginal leakage, if they become more watery, viscous or bleeding
3. Increase in vaginal discharge.

In case you see any aforementioned signs, please call your doctor immediately. Even if it happens in the middle of the night, do not wait until morning to go to the hospital.

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