Causes And Symptoms For An Ear Infection In Babies

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Causes And Symptoms For An Ear Infection In Babies
Causes And Symptoms For An Ear Infection In Babies
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There are various problems that affect babies and ear infections happen to be one of them. Kids between 6 months and 3 years of age are any day more susceptible to contracting an ear infection. If you have a child in that age group and are worried he may have it, then keep reading. In this article, we will be sharing information about causes and symptoms for an ear infection in babies.

Ear infections are very common in babies. But why is it so?

  • Well the reason lies in the fact that for one, children get in touch with so many other kids who have the bacterial or viral infection. Getting it on from them is not only very easy but it also goes unnoticed.

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  • Not only that, there is a tendency in younger babies to have their bottle feed lying straight down. This leads to fluid adding up in the Eustachian tube.
  • Given how susceptible babies’ immune systems are, contracting allergies, no matter how minute, does end up in them getting the bacterial or viral infections.

Symptoms for an ear infection in babies.

  • Whenever there is an infection in the body, our body responds with fever. We may think that it is unexplained, but there, in all cases, is some underlying cause.
  • Is your baby more fussy than usual? Crying or irritated? It could be that there is an infection developing in the body
  • How much sleep is he getting? Is it his usual sleep cycle or does he have trouble getting sleep?

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  • Have you noticed him tugging or pulling at the ear or even poking a finger to itch? This is one of the most obvious signs that can tell you about an infected ear.
  • Is your baby responding to quiet sounds? If not, get him to the doctor immediately.
    Do you see visible fluid draining from your baby’s ear?

Where some kids may show most of these signs altogether, others will only show one or two. Regardless of the signs, you should have an appointment with your baby’s doctor even if there’s a spec of doubt.

I have known some parents who say that a baby’s immune system is strong enough to get rid of infections itself. But please know that an infection is something that, if left untreated, has the possibility of worsening and creating more trouble for you and your baby. An ear infection, for that matter, if left untreated, can cause severe damage resulting in hearing loss in your baby. So it is better to get it checked by a pediatrician for any signs of ear infection. Why cause baby so much pain and discomfort?

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Also keep in mind that at any time you feel your baby seems more ill than usual, has severe nausea, swelling behind ear, skin rash or even has an ear ache for that matter, you should immediately rush to your doctor.

Has your baby ever had an ear infection? How did he contract it? What did you do to treat it? Did you end up making home remedies for him/her? Or did you take the advice of the doctor? Let our readers know.

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