Signs That Your Baby Is Ready For Solids

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Signs That Your Baby Is Ready For Solids
Signs That Your Baby Is Ready For Solids
Photo Credit: pexels
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The common notion for every parent is that once their baby turns 6 months, he is naturally ready to start eating, whether it is solids or semi-solids. Keeping a 6 month benchmark is not always what dictates the readiness of your baby when it comes to solid food. There are signs that babies give when they are ready to eat experiment with food. And believe it or not, there are many babies who are not yet ready for solids even at 6 months. But given that we are told to feed them, we start doing it. On the other hand, there are other babies who may even start to want (semi) solids before 6 months. So, let us understand about the signs that your baby is ready for solids.

Baby is able to sit without support

The very first thing you have to see in order to find out solid readiness in your baby is that he is able to sit up on his own and without support. And that means no support even with pillows or anything at the back. And yes, this is the first of the many signs.

ALSO READ – All About Health And Development of 8 Month’s Baby

Baby’s head does not wobble

Another sign to look for to see if your baby can start solids is that he holds his head up on his own. You don’t have to hold him from his head anymore or that his head does not wobble here and there when he is on his own.

Baby’s Reflexes of the mouth

A very important thing to keep in mind is that an infant only knows how to suck. Meaning he knows how to suck milk out of breasts or bottle. Considering this, you must watch out for the reflexes of your baby’s mouth. It is extremely important to note when your baby starts to have a chewing motion.

Why is this important? When babies know how to chew, anything solid you give to an infant is not gulped down in one sucking motion. Also, they will not spit solids out of their mouth automatically.

I still remember when my daughter was showing signs of solid readiness, every time I would eat something, she would imitate my chewing action.

Watch out for the pincer grasp

Another thing to watch out for is your baby’s hand and mouth coordination. If you give something to your baby and he grasps it with his thumb and index finger, looks at it and puts it in his mouth, he’s ready. This is called the pincer grasp.

Baby shows interest in food

Ever seen those little babies who snatch food from their parents’ plates or not let anyone eat anything until they are given the same?

Every infant will not show any interest in what you are eating. It is because this is also one of the signs that show solid readiness. My daughter would scream at the top of her voice because she would be so curious about what is it that we would put in our mouths?

Believe it or not, this comes naturally in babies and their interest in your food or any food for that matter only proves that they are ready to experiment.

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Wants to be fed more often

Now I’m not talking about growth spurt here, when your baby’s milk needs are either extremely increased or decreased.

For solid readiness, there is not crankiness or a need for comfort. Solid readiness means your baby is hungrier than usual. As a result of which he feeds more often – whether breast milk or formula.

So be particular about the changing milk needs of your baby as well.

So these are the few physical and developmental signs your baby shows to prove his solid readiness. As for me, I started feeding my daughter solids when she was around 5 and half months. And yes, I she did show all these signs.

Has your baby started showing solid readiness signs already? When did you start feeding (semi) solids to your baby? Did you watch out for any signs? Let us know.

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