How Safe Is Cow’s Milk For Your Baby?

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How Safe Is Cow’s Milk For Your Baby
How Safe Is Cow’s Milk For Your Baby
Photo Credit: pixabay
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Without knowing how safe is cow’s milk for your baby, in civilizations like India we force our child to drink the cow’s milk from a very young age. And after some time, we regret our mistake. Are you one of them?

For this situation, honestly, we can’t blame anyone because this has been going on for a long time now. Thanks to the internet these days, we have means to do our own research on things we feel skeptical about. So when I was asked to give cow’s milk to my baby, as usual, I went on and looked at research done on it. And here’s what I found about cow’s milk for babies.

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Cow's milk can harm digestion and autoimmune reaction

Humans need proteins and that’s a given fact. However, the protein from cow’s milk is extremely different from the ones that humans need and produce. If a baby consumes cow’s milk, he is more susceptible to indigestion problems, imbalance of absorption of other useful nutrients in the body and at times, autoimmune reaction.

Cow's milk may lead to troubles related to kidneys

The presence of excess proteins in cow’s milk, leads to it being excreted with urine. And infant’s renal function is still in a growing stage. So it cannot possibly be right to provide cow’s milk knowing that it may lead to troubles related to kidneys as well.

Cow's milk can disturb the proportion of growth hormones

Cows are injected with growth hormones and these hormones are transferred to our bodies when we or our babies consume cow’s milk. Needless to say these hormones are not required by our bodies.

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Formula milk is far better than cow's milk

All the goodness that a mother’s milk contains is substituted, not entirely though, by infant formula. Cow’s milk doesn’t come an inch closer when compared to formula.

Concentration of iron is far low in cow's milk

No denial, this iron is needed for growth. Where cow’s milk has higher concentration of proteins in it, at the same time, the concentration of iron is far low than you can imagine. The amount of iron required by a human body is much more than what cow’s milk can offer.

Cow's milk can cause dehydration and cow's milk allergies

Cow’s milk has the tendency to cause dehydration in infants. Cow’s milk allergy in babies is universal. Cow’s milk intolerance can cause allergic reactions to your baby leading to runny nose, wheezing, rashes and even ear infections. Allergy to protein in cow’s milk can lead to tiny amounts of blood in the stool as well.

ALSO READ – Do You Know About Food Allergies in Babies

Considering these above points, what are your options you ask?

  1. Try giving more breast milk or formula if possible. Yes, formula may be expensive, but there are less expensive ones out there too, check our post on – Best formula for your baby for that.
  2. If you have to feed your baby with cow’s milk, wait until the little one is at least a year old.
  3. A good substitute of cow’s milk is yogurt, which contains more calcium than milk, healthy bacteria for the body and is also easily digestible.

What are your opinions on cow’s milk? Did your baby suffered any medical conditions because of cow’s milk? Let us know. If you have any questions regarding this, then please do ask our experts like our other readers.

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