Best Baby Wipes For Newborns – Used And Reviewed

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Best Baby Wipes For Newborns - Used & Reviewed
Best Baby Wipes For Newborns - Used & Reviewed
Photo Credit: Mom's Cuddle

Kirti Bhartari

I am mother of one. Beside nurturing her the best way I can and taking care of my family fronts, I am passionate about cooking and ayurvedas. I also like spending time around intellectuals. And, in future, I would like to start my own NGO with one motive - helping humanity.

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After spending hundreds of bucks and testing these four brands of best baby wipes for newborns, here, I would like to share my experiences about these four baby wipes.

Though I am not associated with any agency testing these wipes on medical and chemical terms, however, my objective of writing this review is telling my readers about the plus and minus of these baby wipes from a user point of view. For this review on baby wipes – I have purchased the products and used the same for my daughter. So, you can expect an unbiased and honest review on best baby wipes for newborns.

Little's Wipes

First Impression

The four things impressed me at first look were – odorless wipes, handy packing, quantity and their price compared to other brands.


These wipes are decently thick and soft. Unlike other wipes, they don’t rip or tear apart when you use them and before the job is done. As far as the size of the wipe is concerned, it could be slightly bigger. The best thing about Little’s wipes is they stay moist for a longer time and never get dry.


I was looking for wipes that are not super damp and free from too much smell. We all know about the types of discomforts that strongly scented products can cause to babies. Babies feel trouble with a pungent odor and that is why most of the pediatricians advice about keeping them away from all the strong odors, at least for the first six months.

You won’t believe me, in my case, I am not even allowed to use a body deodorant in the presence of my little one.

Skin Friendliness

Normally, babies do have sensitive skin. My baby’s skin is very soft and even a mild use of unsuitable chemical means reactions on the skin. But in the case of these wipes, despite being so thick, these were not rough on my baby’s sensitive skin!

These wipes are so skin friendly that even I use them to remove my makeover.

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Chicco Soft Cleansing Baby Wipes

First Impression

I am very much happy with Chicco baby wipes and now, this is my option number two after Little’s.


Texture wise, wipes are thick and feels like you holding a paper towel. These were the first wipes that I used on my baby’s face and hands. And, there was no burning or stinging sensations.


This was a turn off; fragrance was on a little higher side. However, unlike Little’s wipes, it barely stays there for less than a minute. So, not a big issue.

Skin Friendliness

Skin friendliness is not at all a concern with this brand. If you are looking for wipes that are free from all hazardous chemical, try Chicco wipes. This brand of wipes contains Aloe-Vera, and Chamomile; good for dry skin.

Pigeon Baby Wipes

First Impression

Like others, Pigeon is also a trusted brand. And, when it is about the safety of babies, you seriously don’t want to take any chance.


Wipes are very thick. However, I believe these wipes are very dry and when I used it, I had a tough time changing nappy.


Like Little’s and Chicco, pigeon baby wipes are also unscented except for the chamomile oil’s smell. So, no troubling using it on babies below six months. The only problem that I faced with this product is – I really struggled a lot when it was about removing the smell of urine. And, I had to use more than two wipes to clean my baby.

Skin Friendliness

I used it once and I noticed no skin reaction on my baby’s skin.

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Member's Mark

I must tell you that before opting for this brand, which was going to be a new pick for me, I was very much worried. I won’t lie at all, but this was not my option and the pharmacy guy gave this to me because my usual brand was out of stock. After his many requests, I bought it.

First Impression

My first experience with this product was not well. When I tried to pull out one baby wipes, it was not easy at all for me. As soon as I grabbed one wipe, my first reaction about this product was – what a strongly scented baby wipe. This will definitely annoy my child.


I had tried several wipes before this, but I have not seen such thickness, and durability in any other wipe.


As I mentioned earlier, the smell was little on the higher side. As expected, it annoyed my baby.

Skin Friendliness

I used it only once and I noticed rashes on my baby’ skin.

In the end, I would like to say that whatever the brand is, but the constant use of baby wipes keeps the child’s skin at risk. If it is only about baby’s hygiene, then I suggest that the baby can be cleaned by using cotton pads dipped in lukewarm water.

Apart from this, the cost of baby wipes will only increase the expenses side of your monthly budget.

Best Deals on Little's Soft Cleansing Baby Wipes

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I am mother of one. Beside nurturing her the best way I can and taking care of my family fronts, I am passionate about cooking and ayurvedas. I also like spending time around intellectuals. And, in future, I would like to start my own NGO with one motive - helping humanity.