What are baby movements in the womb, why do they happen, and when is it a cause for concern?

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What are baby movements in the womb?
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If you are pregnant, surely you have thought about the moment when you will begin to feel your baby. Noticing it inside you for the first time is one of the most fantastic experiences you can have. Although you are aware that your baby grows in your womb, feeling it physically is something that always makes a great illusion.

  • In what week will you finally notice your movements?
  • If your baby moves a lot or little, it will surely raise frequent doubts in pregnant women.

In this article, we will tell you everything you want to know.

When should you expect to feel these baby movements?

The first movements are usually perceived around week 20, but keep in mind that there is a lot of variability between women. So, it is possible to feel it before or after.

One day you will discover that you notice bubbles or shingles in your abdomen without being very clear if it is your baby… or even gas! After a few days of doubt, the movements will become more intense and noticeable, and it will be clear that they come from your baby.

Why does the baby move inside the belly?

Your baby is a little person and, as such, moves. Your muscles, bones, and joints need that movement for optimal growth and development, and that non-stop movement, in turn, fosters neurological development. In addition to strengthening yourself, it develops your senses, allows you to experience space, and gives you a greater sense of well-being.
On the other hand, fetal movements also help the mother establish a stronger bond with her baby before birth, which is fundamental for emotional development. At the same time, these fetal movements can alert the mother about the health of her child, and their absence is a warning sign to go to a health centre.

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When the baby moves a lot, does it hurt?

This doubt has several “depends”. In the first place, we start with the fact that pain is a subjective experience, and what one woman may not even find annoying, another may perceive as very painful. On the other hand, two issues related to the baby will play an important role: its age and its position.

  1. The movements of a very small fetus are not going to be intense enough, nor are they going to press on maternal structures. They can be perceived as bubbles. However, a bigger baby, with more strength and less space inside the womb, can give you real football kicks that startle you.
  2. Regarding the position, depending on how the baby is placed in the womb, it will hit some maternal parts more often than others. When it is upside down, complaints of kicks in the rib area are common; if it is breech, it is kicked over the bladder area. Keep in mind that it will also depend on where the placenta is, since it is a structure that somewhat dampens the perception of those movements.

ALSO READ – Common Tests During Second And Third Trimester

When to worry about a baby's movements?

The fact that your baby moves is an excellent sign because it is part of his normal development and growth.

You may worry that it makes it harder for you to sleep and rest because it moves more at night. The fetus does not follow its mother’s sleep schedule, takes many naps, and has several periods of activity throughout the day. When you are relaxed in bed, it is normal that you pay more attention to your movements and have the feeling that it is at night when you are most active.

Some moms-to-be consult because they sometimes notice rhythmic movements in their babies. They are not kicks, but very small punctual spasms (baby hiccups).
What should alert us is just the opposite, not perceiving the baby or that their movements are diminished.

What does decreased activity in the belly mean?

When your baby has ample play space, it will be possible for him to move much more. But, as it grows, it will occupy a large part of the uterus and adopt the characteristic fetal position. The closer you get to the end of pregnancy, the more limited your space will be and, therefore, your range of motion.

This does not mean that it is normal if a baby does not move for weeks. This should be considered a warning sign. Besides, do keep in mind that in some situations, like an overly large fetus, a low volume of amniotic fluid (oligoamines) or a twin gestation, this can also reduce the space available for the baby to move more freely in the womb.

Therefore, experts recommend that if you notice a decrease in fetal movements over a time interval of one hour, you go to the hospital so that they can make an assessment.

ALSO READ – Diagnosis And Treatment Of Umbilical Cord Prolapse

Keys to relaxing during pregnancy

To have a more bearable pregnancy, you must try to relax as much as possible. To do this, below are experts’ recommendations:

  1. Try to eat well and stay physically active.
  2. Explore different postures. However, while doing this, you will discover that some babies do not want their mother to position them in certain ways, and if they are uncomfortable, they let it be known with strong movements. However, taking a doctor’s advice is important before you attempt any such thing.
  3. Besides, do not forget to take care of your emotional well-being. Look for pleasurable activities, breathing exercises, and meditation. It will help you cope better with less comfortable moments.

And remember, the baby’s movements are a very good sign. You may find them annoying, but in reality, they are incredible.

Do You Have Any Question? Speak To Our Expert

You should observe your baby movements closely. Should you see any inconsistency, you should speak to a doctor.

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