Improving Baby Brain Development Using Toys

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Importance of Toys In Baby's Brain Development
Importance of Toys In Baby's Brain Development
Photo Credit: pixabay

Shruti Singh

A proud mom to a beautiful little baby girl, learning the art of parenting one day at a time. Experiencing the joys of being a mom for the first time. Excited and anxious about the journey. Takes being a stay-at-home mom as a challenge and there's nothing she would change about it.

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No one can argue over the fact that a child’s playtime is the most imperative for the development of basic social and life skills. Not only that, toys also help in the growth and development of babies.

Have you ever wondered if you can improve your baby’s development of brain using toys? Yes, you can very much do that.

There have been a number of studies undertaken to see if there’s any correlation between a baby’s brain development and toys.

These studies found out that the more babies play with toys, the better their cognitive and motor development becomes.

Babies tend to self-learn faster when they are given access to toys. And it is for this reason alone that playtime activities that include toys have been considered one of the most crucial learning modes for a growing baby.

Here are a few brain boosting toys that you should let your child play with in order to enhance his memory, improve language learning among other things.

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1Playing with a ball

First of all, whenever you give your child a ball to play with, make sure that it is not too small or too big in size and that it is light weight. It helps in babies playing with it easier.

Speaking of an infant, when he plays with a ball, he may not be able to hold it or play with it but he can definitely follow the ball with his eyes wherever it goes. Studies reveal that when an infant is given a ball to play with, his brain works by developing body and eye coordination.

However, when a toddler follows or kicks the ball wherever it goes, their brain works on the spatial awareness i.e. understanding when objects change their position from one place to another.

2Blocks play

Another common item in babies’ toys is the building blocks. Although a toddler may only want to throw the blocks at you initially or create a mess in the house with them, research shows that by the time they are 2 or 3 years old, blocks do so much good to them.

When a child stacks the blocks of the same shape and size in a line, he or she is learning the patterns which involve math skills. Yes, believe it or not, but at a very young age children start learning so many things at a subconscious level that helps them in the journey of growing up.

It is only when the child is a little older, say 4 or 5 years old, that he truly understands how to stack the blocks together horizontally or vertically. Also, they begin to understand that what goes up, must come down.


An often ignored but highly important toy for an infant is a rattle.

Of course it may have been one of the first toys you bought when your baby was born but it helps a great deal in cognitive development of a child than we think it does.

For one, an infant learns how to grasp an object with his hand.

And if the rattle is colorful and makes a nice sound, your baby will not only put his mind into observing the bright colors but also notice how moving the rattle makes a sound.

ALSO READ – Activities And Games For Your 6-8 Months Baby

4Stuffed toys

You may feel that stuffed toys are only for show and take up a lot of space in your baby’s room or your house, but they have an equally important part to play in your child’s cognitive development.

Have you seen how your child does her doll’s hair or how he or she pats teddy bear’s hair and makes him sleep?

This way your baby is trying to make sense of the world around him.

Not only that, when your child is expressing his emotions at a stuffed toy, he is only trying to get a hang of his own feelings like anger, love, command etc.

What kind of toys do you let your baby play with? Do you have any particular ones your child likes to play with? Share your experience of your baby’s playtime with us.

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A proud mom to a beautiful little baby girl, learning the art of parenting one day at a time. Experiencing the joys of being a mom for the first time. Excited and anxious about the journey. Takes being a stay-at-home mom as a challenge and there's nothing she would change about it.